PACKAGING - Directories should be owned - Use macros to ease porting - install-catalog has problems with updates because the post-install is called before the post-uninstall PRINTING - Support hyperlinks in acroread Hyperlinks are rendered nicely when converted to PDF, but aren't dynamical in acroread (they are just underlined text) - Support Asian languages on printing Already did some tries with hlatex (Korean) - Italian does not seem to work when printing Solved with the new packaging of jadetex? - Tables aren't rendered nicely when printing The second line of text and the following ones have no margin - Add a switch to control TeX verbosity BACKENDS - Do a new text backend based on html2text instead of lynx Merge Jochem's stuff with the current text backend. The choice of the method should be passed through the command line or through an configuration file. - Do a FOT backend, MIF backend and a palm backend Should be easy. Use -V and -t variables. - Backend options Provide an -e option in jw to pass directly a string to the backend through the SGML_EXTRA_OPTS variable. The html backend then can pass it to Jade through the -V option. - Configuration file for backends Pass a variable holding the name of the initialization file to the backend. (is this really needed?) JW - Configuration variables for jw Simpler and more powerful to use "aliases" ? Name: SGML_BACKEND_DIR Content: Directory containing the backends. Default: $SGML_BASE_DIR/backends/ Example: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/docbook-utils-0.2/backends/ Notes: This directory should contain nothing else than backends. This way a program can tell the user about available backends by just doing "ls $SGML_BACKEND_DIR" or similar. Name: SGML_BACKEND Content: The name of the default backend Default: html (txt would be more neutral, but then be painful to the docbook users) Example: ps Name: SGML_FRONTEND_DIR Content: Directory containing the frontends. Default: $SGML_BASE_DIR/frontends/ Example: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/docbook-utils-0.2/frontends/ Notes: This directory should contain nothing else than frontends. This way a program can tell the user about available frontends by just doing "ls $SGML_FRONTEND_DIR" or similar. Name: SGML_FRONTEND Content: The name of the default frontend Default: docbook (sgml would be more neutral, but then be painful to the docbook users) Example: tei Notes: At the time of determining the frontend, the frontend is not known, so it is /etc/sgml/sgml.conf or $HOME/.sgml.conf that is used as a configuration file. Name: SGML_HELPERS_DIR Content: The name of the directory where reside the scripts that can be called by the backends and the frontends Default: $SGML_BASE_DIR/helpers/ Example: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/docbook-utils-0.2/helpers/ Name: SGML_OUTPUT_DIR Content: The directory to write the converted output files to. Default: . Example: /tmp Note: This is not backend-specific. If for example the html backend wants to put the resulting files in an directory named HTML, it can override or refine this setting. Name: SGML_FILE Content: The filename of the SGML source-file to convert. Default: index.sgml Example: index.docbook Name: SGML_JADE Content: The flavour of jade parser to execute Default: jade Example: openjade Notes: This variable is unused if using another parser Name: SGML_STYLESHEET Content: The stylesheet to use Default: (unset) Example: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/kde-0.1/stylesheet/kde.dsl#html An "alias" on the contrary would concentrate all the options passed on the command line into a single symbol. Example: htmlkde <=> -c /usr/share/sgml/docbook/kde-0.1/catalog -d /usr/share/sgml/docbook/kde-0.1/kde.dsl#html