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List of reserved words (macros, strings, registers)

The following is a list of reserved words used by mom. Before changing the name of any macro or document element tag with ALIAS, I strongly recommend doing a search of this page for your proposed new name. If you find it in the left hand column, choose something else instead.

Anyone interested in playing around inside mom’s macro file (om.tmac) will find this list useful as well since it lists all (I hope) the macros, strings, diversions, aliases and number registers mom uses, along with brief descriptions of their functions.

TYPESETTING +++MACROS+++ *Page layout PAGELENGTH Page width PAGE Page width/length; left, right, top, bottom margins PAGEWIDTH Page width PAPER Letter, legal, or A4 B_MARGIN Space to leave at page bottom L_MARGIN Page offset R_MARGIN Line length as a function of pagewidth minus pageoffset minus rightmargin T_MARGIN Advance lead from page top *Page control DO_B_MARGIN Margin at bottom of page; trap-invoked DO_T_MARGIN Margin at top of page; trap-invoked *Style COLOR Change color of text to predefined value CONDENSE Set percentage of pseudo-condense (alias of CONDENSE_OR_EXTEND) EXTEND Set percentage of pseudo-extend (alias of CONDENSE_OR_EXTEND) FAMILY Family FT Font FALLBACK_FONT Font to use whenever FAMILY or FT errors occur LL Line length LS Leading (.vs) NEWCOLOR Define a text color PT_SIZE Point size SETBOLDER Set degree of emboldening (pseudo-bold) in units SETSLANT Set degree of pseudo-italic XCOLOR Initialize a color from rgb.txt *Autolead AUTOLEAD Always lead n points more than .PT_SIZE *Quad, fill, justification JUSTIFY Justified text QUAD Filled text, left, right, or centre *Quad, no-fill CENTER Line-for-line, non-filled text, centre LEFT Line-for-line, non-filled text, left RIGHT Line-for-line, non-filled text, right *Hyphenation HY Turn hyphenation on/off, or set LINES, MARGIN, SPACE HY_SET Set LINES, MARGIN, SPACE in a single command *Advanced style KERN Turn automatic kerning on or off LIGATURES Turn ligatures on or off SS Sentence space control WS Word space control *Line breaks BR Alias of br EL Breaks line but doesn't advance SPACE Alias of sp SPREAD Alias of brp *Vertical motions ALD Advance lead RLD Reverse lead *Indents HI Indent hang IB Indent both IBX Indent both off IL Indent left ILX Indent left off IQ Indents off IR Indent right IRX Indent right off IX Indents off -- deprecated TI Indent temporary *Tabs ST String tab TAB_SET Tab Set TN Tab Next TQ Tab Quit *Columnar tabs MCO Turn on multi-column mode MCR Return to top of column MCX Turn off multi-column mode *Underscore UNDERSCORE Underscores words or phrases UNDERSCORE2 Double underscores words or phrases *Underline UNDERLINE Underlines whole passages (Courier only) *Smart Quotes SMARTQUOTES Turns smart quotes on or off *Graphical objects RULE_WEIGHT Weight of rules drawn with \*[RULE] DBX Draw box DCL Draw circle (ellipse) DRH Draw horizontal rule DRV Draw vertical rule *Misc + Support BR_AT_LINE_KERN Deposit a break before RW and WE CAPS Convert u/lc to UC COMMENT Don't print lines till COMMENT OFF (alias of SILENT) DROPCAP_ADJUST Points (poss. fractional) to add/subtract from drop caps DROPCAP Create drop cap DROPCAP_FAMILY Drop cap family DROPCAP_FONT Drop cap font DROPCAP_GUTTER Drop cap gutter DROPCAP_OFF Support only; restores .in if there was one ESC_CHAR Alias for .ec EW Extra white -- loosen overall line kern (character spacing) LEADER_CHARACTER Sets leader character PAD Insert padding spaces at marked places PADMARKER Sets character to use instead of # in PAD PRINT Simply prints args passed to it; keeps my code indented nicely RW Reduce white -- tighten overall line kern (character spacing) SILENT Don't print lines till SILENT OFF SIZESPECS Get cap-height, x-height and descender depth for current point size SUPERSCRIPT_RAISE_AMOUNT Change default vertical displacement of superscripts TRAP Turn traps off or on +++DIVERSIONS+++ NO_FLASH Diverts output of SILENT or COMMENT so they don't print NULL Diverts SIZESPECS in PRINT_HDRFTR so it doesn't screw up FOOTER and FOOTNOTE processing when FOOTERS are on PAD_STRING Diverts $PAD_STRING for processing TYPESIZE Diverts SIZESPECS routine so it doesn't print +++NUMBER REGISTERS+++ #ABORT_FT_ERRORS Abort on FT errors? (boolean) #ALD ALD value #ARGS_TO_LIST Tells LIST whether LIST was invoked with a valid arg; controls LIST OFF processing #ARGS_TO_SQ Tells SMARTQUOTES whether it was invoked with a valid arg; controls SMARTQUOTES OFF processing #AUTOLEAD_FACTOR Using FACTOR arg to AUTOLEAD? (boolean) #AUTO_LEAD Using autolead? (boolean) #AUTOLEAD_VALUE Auto leading value #BL_INDENT Value of left indent when IB #B_MARGIN Bottom margin #B_MARGIN_SET Has a bottom margin been set with B_MARGIN? (boolean) #BOLDER_UNITS Number of units to embolden type #BR_AT_LINE_KERN Break when EW/RW are invoked? (boolean) #BR_INDENT Value of right indent when IB #BX_SOLID Draw box filled? (boolean) c column mark #CAPS_ON Is CAPS enabled? (boolean) #CL_SOLID Draw cirlce filled? (boolean) #CODE_FAM Use different family from Courier for CODE? (boolean) #CODE_FT Use different font from roman for CODE? (boolean) #CONDENSE Are we in pseudo-condense mode? (boolean) #CONDENSE_WAS_ON For restoring \*[COND] in DROPCAP #COND_WIDTH Width of pseudo-condensed type (pointsize x $COND_PERCENT) #CURRENT_HY \\n[.hy] when ref*normal-print called #CURRENT_L_LENGTH Current line length at first invocation of LIST; like #ORIG_L_LENGTH #CURRENT_TAB Current tab number #DC_COLOR Colorize dropcap? (boolean) #DC_GUT Width of dropcap gutter #DC_HEIGHT Dropcap height #DC_LINES Number of lines for dropcap #DEGREES # of degrees slant for pseudo-italic #ENUMERATOR<n> Number register enumerator for depth <n> in lists #EW Is EW in effect? (boolean) #EXT_WIDTH Width of pseudo-extended type (pointsize x $EXT_PERCENT) #EXTEND Are we in pseudo-extend mode? (boolean) #EXTEND_WAS_ON For restoring \*[EXT] in DROPCAP #FILL_MODE Which fill mode are we in? ( \n[.j] ) #FILLED Are we in a fill mode? (boolean) #H_INDENT Value of left indent when IH #HL_INDENT<n> Hanging indent for LIST depth <n> #HL_INDENT Value of the hang when IH #HY_SET Did we manually set hyphenation parameters? (boolean) #HYPHEN_ADJ Amount by which to raise hyphens surrounding page numbers #HYPHENATE Hyphenation on? (boolean) #IN_ITEM Are we in a list item? (boolean) #IN_ITEM_L_INDENT Value passed to IL if #IN_ITEM=1 #IN_TAB Are we in a tab? (boolean) Set in macro TAB; used in ST to determine whether to add #ST_OFFSET to #ST<n>_OFFSET #INDENT_ACTIVE Indicates whether an indent is active (boolean) #INDENT_BOTH_ACTIVE Toggle #INDENT_LEFT_ACTIVE Toggle #INDENT_RIGHT_ACTIVE Toggle #INDENT_STYLE_BOTH Indicates IB when #INDENT_ACTIVE=1 (boolean) #INDENT_STYLE_HANG Indicates IH when #INDENT_ACTIVE=1 (boolean) #INDENT_STYLE_LEFT Indicates IL when #INDENT_ACTIVE=1 (boolean) #INDENT_STYLE_RIGHT Indicates IR when #INDENT_ACTIVE=1 (boolean) #INDENT_STYLE_TEMP Indicates IT when #INDENT_ACTIVE=1 (boolean) #IGNORE_COLUMNS Don't set document in columns (boolean) #IN_DIVER Are we in a diversion? (boolean) #IX_WARN Toggles to 1 the first time IX is user-invoked #JUSTIFY In EW/RW, when BR_AT_LINE_KERN, whether to break or break-spread preceding line (boolean) #KERN Kern on? (boolean) #KERN_UNIT Size of kern units (1/36 of current point size) #KERN_WAS_ON Indicates kerning was on; used in list ITEMs (boolean) #LAST_TAB Last tab number set in multi-columns #LAST_FN_COUNT_FOR_COLS #FN_COUNT_FOR_COLS at top of HEADER #LEAD Leading (alias) #LIGATURES Ligatures on? (boolean) #LIST_INDENT<n> Left indent of list <n> #L_INDENT Value of left indent #L_LENGTH Line length #L_MARGIN Page offset if set with LMARGIN; if .po used, \n[.o] returns page offset #LOOP In EPIGRAPH, #LOOP=1 if a while loop executes; otherwise 0. Elsewhere, an arbitrary incrementing register used to read in strings #MCX_ALD Amount to advance past end of longest column #NEWPAGE Was NEWPAGE just invoked? (boolean) #NEXT_DEPTH_BACK Next list level back in lists #NEXT_TAB Current tab number + 1 (used in TN) #NEXT_TAB Next tab in an n+1 sequence #NOFILL Are we in a nofill mode? (boolean) #NOFILL_MODE Nofill mode #OLD_LEAD Lead in effect prior to changing it with .vs in .LS #OPEN_CLOSE Manipulates character " to print `` or '' #ORIGINAL_L_LENGTH Used in LIST for IB processing; holds \n[.l] p Output line horiz position at end of $PAD_STRING #PAD_COUNT Number of times # was included in arg to PAD #PAD_LIST_DIGITS Pad list digits to the left? (boolean) #PAD_SPACE Size of padding space #PAGE_LENGTH Page length (alias) #PAGE_WIDTH Page width #PP_ACTIVE Are we in the context of a para? (boolean) #PRINT_FOOTER_ON_PAGE_1 (boolean) #PSEUDO_FILL Signals that LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER is in effect (booleand off, i.e. to 0, when QUAD <arg> or JUSTIFY is called) #PT_SIZE Point size (fractional) in units (alias) #PT_SIZE_SET Was point size set with PT_SIZE? (boolean) #Q_AT_TOP Does a quote start at the top of a new page? (boolean) #QUAD In autoquad mode? (boolean) #QUIT Tells LIST whether to exit lists completely (boolean) #REMOVE Used in LIST OFF cleanup #RESTORE_LEAD Lead value in effect prior to AUTOLEAD #RESTORE_LINE_LENGTH Restores actual line length in RULE #RESTORE_LN_NUMBER Start linenumbering again with stored #NEXT_LN? (boolean) #RESTORE_PT_SIZE Stores current point size (in units) prior to underscore #R_INDENT Value of right indent #R_MARGIN Right margin #RESTORE_PREV_INDENT Tells LIST OFF what kind of indent was active prior to first invocation of LIST #RESTORE_TRAP Did we have to disable traps? Used in graphical object macros (boolean) #RESTORE_SQ Instructs SMARTQUOTES to restore smartquotes if SMARTQUOTES invoked without an arg #RLD RLD value #RULE_WEIGHT Weight given to RULE_WEIGHT #RULE_WEIGHT_ADJ RULE_WEIGHT/2 #RW Is RW in effect? (boolean) #SHIFT_LIST<n> Value to add to #LIST_INDENT<n> for shifted lists #SILENT Is silent on? (boolean) #SIZE_FOR_PAD Used to ensure that the size in effect prior to PAD is restored at the start of every iteration of $PAD_STRING #SLANT_ON Is SLANT on? (boolean) #SPACE_TO_END Whitespace at end of string passed to PAD #SQ_WAS_ON Instructs CODE OFF to restore smartquotes if they were on prior to CODE #ST<n>_LENGTH Length of ST<n>; calculated during ST <n> #ST<n>_MARK Page offset of autotab <n> at ST<n>X #ST_NUM Incrementing counter for autotab identification #ST<n>_OFFSET Offset (from current tab) to add to #ST<n>_OFFSET when calculating string indents set from within tabs #ST<n>_OFFSET Indent of autotab <n> (page offset) #STORED_L_INDENT Current left indent at first invocation of LIST #STORED_R_INDENT Current right indent at first invocation of LIST #STORED_BL_INDENT Current "both, left" indent at first invocation of LIST #STORED_BR_INDENT Current "both, right" indent at first invocation of LIST #STORED_HL_INDENT Current hanging indent at first invocation of LIST #STORED_T_INDENT Current temporary indent at first invocation of LIST #STR_LENGTH Holds string length derived from .length request #T_INDENT Value of temporary indent #T_MARGIN Top margin #TAB_ACTIVE Are we in a tab? (boolean) #TAB_NUMBER Tab number given to TAB_SET #TAB_LENGTH Tab length given to TAB_SET #TAB_OFFSET Tab indent given to TAB_SET #TEXT_WIDTH Width of string to underscore #TN Was TN (or \*[T+] called? (boolean) #TOP Set to 1 in T_MARGIN, DO_T_MARGIN and ALD; tells the first LS or AUTOLEAD on a page to maintain the baseline position prior to the LS call #TOP_BASELINE_ADJ Amount by which to adjust the baseline position of the first line on the page if an LS or AUTOLEAD request differs from the lead current at the end of the previous page #TOTAL_LISTS Total number of lists in a nest #UNDERSCORE_WEIGHT Weight of underscores #UNDERSCORE_WEIGHT_ADJ UNDERSCORE_WEIGHT/2 #USER_SET_L_LENGTH Did user invoke LL? (boolean) #USER_SET_TITLE_ITEM Did user invoke TOC_TITLE_ENTRY? #WEIGHT Weight given to #RULE_WEIGHT #WEIGHT_ADJ RULE_WEIGHT/2 u Horiz position of start of underscore +++STRINGS+++ $ARG String holding substrings derived from .substring request $COND_PERCENT Percentage by which to pseudo-condense type $COLOR_SCHEME Color scheme used in NEWCOLOR $<colorname>_FILL XCOLOR "alias" with _FILL attached; used to determine if the alias exists when the alias is passed to DBX SOLID or DCL SOLID $CURRENT_QUAD Restores current quad value in RULE $CURRENT_TAB Current tab number $DC_ADJUST +|- # of points to subtract from dropcap $DC_FAM Drop cap family $DC_FT Drop cap font $DROPCAP The dropcap letter $ENUMERATOR<n> String enumerator for depth <n> in lists $ENUMERATOR_TYPE<n> Type of enumerator used in LIST<n> $EW Value passed to EW $EXT_PERCENT Percentage by which to pseudo-extend type $FAMILY Family $FAMILY_FOR_PAD Used to ensure that the family in effect prior to PAD is restored at the start of every iteration of $PAD_STRING $FONT Font $FONT_FOR_PAD Used to ensure that the font in effect prior to PAD is restored at the start of every iteration of $PAD_STRING $PAD_MARKER Character to mark off padding in PAD $PAD_STRING Arg passed to PAD $PREFIX<n> Prefix for enumerator of LIST<n> $QUAD_VALUE Quad value (left, right, centre, justify) $QUOTE0 Open quotation marks $QUOTE1 Close quotation marks $RESTORE_COND Restores the pseudo-condense value in effect prior to DROPCAP $RESTORE_EXT Restores the pseudo-extend value in effect prior to DROPCAP $RESTORE_FAM Used to restore the family in effect prior to DROPCAP $RESTORE_FT Used to restore the font/fontstyle in effect prior to DROPCAP $RESTORE_PT_SIZE Used to restore the point size of normal running text after a dropcap $RESTORE_QUAD_VALUE Quad value for use in restoring L, R, C, J (after tabs) $RESTORE_SQ The smartquoting string last passed to SMARTQUOTES $RULE_GAP Distance between underscore rules $RW Value passed to RW $SAVED_STYLE Current style, if there is one (used in FAMILY) $SAVED_UNDERSCORE_GAP Temporarily holds string in $UNDERSCORE_GAP $SEPARATOR<n> Separator for depth <n> in lists $SS_VAR Holds + or - sentence space value $ST<n>_FILL Always QUAD if QUAD passed to ST <n> ST\n[#LOOP] Used to initialize string tab markers (1-19) ST\n[#LOOP]X Used to initialize string tab markers (1-19) $ST<n>_QUAD_DIR Quad direction supplied to ST for <n> $SUP_LOWER Vertical displacement amount of superscripts $SUP_RAISE Vertical displacement amount of superscripts $SUP_RAISE_AMOUNT Argument passed to SUPERSCRIPT_RAISE_AMOUNT $TAB_NUMBER Argument passed to TAB macro to call TAB# macro created in TAB_SET $UNDERSCORE_GAP Distance between text and underscore rule $WS_CONSTANT 12; used to hold groff default wordspace $WS Holds WS value; concatenation of WS_CONSTANT and WS_VAR $WS_VAR + or - value to add to $WS_CONSTANT BLACK Pre-defined black color black Pre-defined black color WHITE Pre-defined white color white Pre-defined white color +++ALIASES+++ ALIAS als ALIASN aln BR br CENTRE CENTER COLOUR COLOR COMMENT SILENT CONDENSE CONDENSE_OR_EXTEND EXTEND CONDENSE_OR_EXTEND FAM FAMILY FT FONT HYPHENATE HY HYPHENATION HY INCLUDE so LIG LIGATURES LL LINE_LENGTH MAC de NEW_PAGE bp NEWCOLOUR NEWCOLOR NEWPAGE NEW_PAGE PAGELENGTH PAGE_LENGTH PAGE_LENGTH pl PAGEWIDTH PAGE_WIDTH SPREAD brp SP sp STRING ds TABSET TAB_SET TB TAB TI IT UNDERSCORE_2 UNDERSCORE2 XCOLOUR XCOLOR +++ALIASES FOR NUMBER REGISTERS+++ #DIVER_DEPTH dn -- diversion depth #DIVER_WIDTH dl -- diversion width #INDENT .i -- value of current indent #LEAD .v -- line space (.vs, not .ls) #L_LENGTH .l -- line length #NUM_ARGS .$ -- number of arguments passed to a macro #PAGE_LENGTH .p -- page length #PT_SIZE .ps -- current point size (fractional) in units #TRAP_DISTANCE .t -- distance to next trap +++INLINE ESCAPES+++ ALD<n> Move down inline by <n> (between .25 and 12.75) B Inline equivalent to .EL BCK Inline backward horizontal movement BD Bold font BDI Bold italic font BLACK Color black color BOLDER Pseudo-bold on BOLDERX Pseudo-bold off BP Back points (horizontal movement) BP<n> Back points by <n> (between .25 and 12.75) BU Back units (inline pairwise kerning) BU<n> Back units by <n> (between 1 and 36) COND Pseudo-condense type COND_FOR_SUP Pseudo-condense string for use with superscripts (called with CONDSUP) COND_FOR_SUP Pseudo-extend string for use with superscripts (called with EXTSUP) CONDSUP Pseudo-condensed superscript (using value set with CONDENSE) CONDSUPX Pseudo-condensed superscript off CONDX Pseudo-condense off DOWN Inline downward vertical movement EN-MARK Inline escape to indicate the beginning of a range of lines used to identify an endnote EXT Pseudo-extend type EXTX Pseudo-extend off EXTSUP Pseudo-extended superscript EXTSUPX Pseudo-extended superscript off FN-MARK Inline escape to indicate the beginning of a range of lines used to identify a footnote FP<n> Forward points by <n> (between .25 and 12.75) FP Forward points (horizontal movement) FU Forward units (inline pairwise kerning) FU<n> Forward units by <n> (between 1 and 36) FWD Inline forward horizontal movement PREV Return to previous font in effect RLD<n> Move up, inline, by <n> (between .25 and 12.75) ROM Roman (medium) font S Same \s SLANT Slant (pseudo-italic on SLANTX Slant off ST<n> String tab end marker ST<n> String tab start marker SUP Superscript SUPX Superscript off TB+ Move to next tab number (n+1) without advancing on the page UP Inline upward vertical movement WHITE Color white Color +++SPECIAL CHARACTERS+++ FOOT The foot character \(fm INCH The inch character \(fm\(fm LEADER Deposit leader to end of current LL or TAB RULE Draw a rule to the full measure of the current line or tab length DOCUMENT PROCESSING +++MACROS+++ *Document info (reference macros) AUTHOR Author CHAPTER Chapter number CHAPTER_TITLE Chapter title COPYRIGHT Copyright info (covers only) DOCTITLE Overall doc title (for collated docs) DRAFT Draft number MISC Misc info (covers only) REVISION Revision number SUBTITLE Doc subtitle TITLE Doc title *Covers COVER What goes on cover COVERS Whether covers get printed (boolean) COVER_ADVANCE Set vertical start position of cover material COVER_LEAD Overall leading of covers COVERTITLE User-defined cover title string DOC_COVER What goes on doc cover DOC_COVERS Whether doc covers get printed DOC_COVER_ADVANCE Set vertical start position of doc cover material DOC_COVER_LEAD Overall leading of doc covers DOC_COVERTITLE User-defined doc cover title string *Document style COPYSTYLE Output style (DRAFT or FINAL) DEFAULTS In START, sets defaults DOCTYPE Kind of doc (DEFAULT, CHAPTER, NAMED, LETTER) PAGENUMBER Page number that appears on 1st page of doc PAPER Paper size (LETTER, LEGAL, A4) PRINTSTYLE Print style (TYPEWRITE or TYPESET) NUMBER_LINES Number output lines in the left margin *Document tags and macros ADD_SPACE Special macro to add space to the top of a pages after page 1; must be preceded by NEWPAGE BIBLIOGRAPHY Begin a bibliography page BIBLIOGRAPHY_TYPE LIST or PLAIN BLOCKQUOTE Block-indented, quoted text COL_BREAK Breaks and spreads line before invocation; moves to next column on page or 1st col of next page. An alias of COL_NEXT. COL_NEXT Moves to next column on page or 1st col of next page ENDNOTE Endnote ENDNOTE_REFS Send REFs to endnotes ENDNOTES Output endnotes EPIGRAPH Epigraph before 1st para FINIS Prints --END-- FOOTNOTE Collects footnotes in text for printing at bottom of page FOOTNOTE_REFS Send REFs to footnotes HEAD Section title (main heads) HYPHENATE_REFS Turn on/off hyphenation of REF references ITEM Begin a list item LINEBREAK Break between narrative sections LIST Initialize a list MN Margin note MN_INIT Initialize parameters for margin notes NUMBER_LINES Number text lines NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES Number blockquote lines NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES Number quote lines PAD_LIST_DIGITS Leave space for two-numeral digit enumerators in a list PARAHEAD Paragraph head PP Paragraph QUOTE Poetic or line for line quotes REF Wrapper around FOOTNOTE or ENDNOTE, depending on FOOTNOTE_REFS or ENDNOTE_REFS REF( Begin embedded reference, parens REF) End embedded reference, parens REF[ Begin embedded reference, square brackets REF] End embedded reference, square brackets REF{ Begin embedded reference, braces REF} End embedded reference, braces REF_INDENT Amount of 2nd line indent of references for footnote, endnote or bibliography refs RESET_LIST Reset digit or alpha list enumerator SHIFT_LIST Move a list over to the right START Sets doc defaults and prints info collected with doc info macros SUBHEAD Subheads SUBSUBHEAD Subsubheads *Headers/footers BREAK_QUOTE Manually break a footnoted quote that crosses a page/column DO_FOOTER Prints footer (after footnote processing, if any) FOOTER_ON_FIRST_PAGE Print footer on first page? (boolean) FOOTER Trap-invoked footer macro HEADER Trap-invoked header macro PAGINATE Turns page numbering on or off (doc default=on) PAGINATE_TOC Turns pagination of toc on or off (default=on) RECTO_VERSO Enables switch HEADER_LEFT and HEADER_RIGHT on alternate pages *Control macros -General- ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES Fullspace quotes instead of default 1/2 spacing them. ATTRIBUTE_STRING What to print before author (default is "by") CHAPTER_STRING What to print whenever the word "chapter" is required COLUMNS Print in columns DOC_FAMILY Overall doc family DOCHEADER Print doc header? DOCHEADER_ADVANCE Start position of docheader (relative to top of page) DOCHEADER_LEAD +|- value applied to #DOC_LEAD to in/decrease leading of doc header DOC_LEAD_ADJUST Adjust #DOC_LEAD to fill page to #B_MARGIN DOC_LEAD Overall doc leading DOC_LEFT_MARGIN Doc left margin DOC_LINE_LENGTH Doc line length DOC_PT_SIZE Overall doc point size DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN Doc right margin DOC_TITLE Overall doc title that gets printed in headers/footers (mostly for use with collated docs where each doc is an article with a different title DRAFT_STRING What to print whenever the word "draft" is required DRAFT_WITH_PAGENUMBER Attach draft/revision info to page number (instead of putting it HEADER centre) REVISION_STRING What to print whenever the word "revision" is required -Covers- COVER_ADVANCE Vertical place on page to start outputting cover material COVER_LEAD Lead in/decrease for cover pages COVERS_COUNT_PAGES Whether to include cover pages in pagination scheme DOC_COVER_ADVANCE Vertical place on page to start outputting doc cover material DOC_COVER_LEAD Lead in/decrease for doc cover pages DOC_COVERS_COUNT_PAGES Whether to include doc cover pages in pagination scheme -Epigraphs and finis- EPIGRAPH_AUTOLEAD Autolead value for epigraphs EPIGRAPH_INDENT Value by which to multiply PP_INDENT for block epigraphs FINIS_STRING What to print when FINIS is invoked FINIS_STRING_CAPS Whether to capitalize the finis string -Footnotes- FOOTNOTE_AUTOLEAD Autolead to use in footnotes FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBER_BRACKETS Brackets for footnote linenumbers FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR Separator for footnote linenumbers FOOTNOTE_MARKERS Turns footnote markers on or off FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE STAR or NUMBER; default=STAR FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ # of points to raise footnote rule from its baseline FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH Length of footnote separator rule FOOTNOTE_RULE Turns printing of fn separator rule on or off; default is on FOOTNOTE_SPACING Post footnote item spacing FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON Run footnotes on (line numbering mode only) RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER Reset fn# to 1, or, if arg PAGE, reset automatically to 1 on every page RUNON_WARNING Utility macro; warns if FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON was called when fn marker style is STAR or NUMBER -Endnotes- ENDNOTE_LEAD Leading for endnotes page ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_BRACKETS Brackets around line numbers identifying endnotes and text ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_GAP Amount of space to leave between line ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR Separator between line numbers identifying endnotes and the endnote item text endnotes and text ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE NUMBER or LINE ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT Hang endnote numbers and align right ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT Don't hang endnote numbers and align left ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT First line indent of paras in multi-para endnotes ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE Whether to space paras in multi-para endnotes ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE Base point size for endnotes page FOOTNOTE_SPACING Post endnotenote item spacing ENDNOTE_STRING Endnotes page head ENDNOTE_STRING_ADVANCE Distance of title string "ENDNOTES" from top edge of page ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS Capitalize the endnotes string ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE Underscoring of endnotes page head ENDNOTE_TITLE Endnotes identifying title ENDNOTE_TITLE_SPACE Distance from top of page to endnotest title ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERLINE Underscoring of endnotes identifying title ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_HEADERS Page headers on endnotes pages? (boolean) ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER Page number to appear on page 1 of endnotes pages ENDNOTES_HDRFTR_CENTER Print header/footer centre string on endnotes pages? ENDNOTES_HEADER_CENTER Print header centre string on endnotes pages? ENDNOTES_FOOTER_CENTER Print footer centre string on endnotes pages? ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS Turn columnar mode off for endnotes pages ENDNOTES_NO_FIRST_PAGENUM Don't print a pagenumber on page 1 of endnotes. ENDNOTES_PAGENUM_STYLE Set numbering style for endnotes pages page numbers SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES Single space TYPEWRITE endnotes -Bibliographies- BIBLIOGRAPHY_ALLOWS_HEADERS Allow headers on bib pages BIBLIOGRAPHY_FIRST_PAGENUMBER Starting page number for bibliographies BIBLIOGRAPHY_HDRFTR_CENTER Header/footer center string for bib pages BIBLIOGRAPHY_LEAD Base lead of bib pages BIBLIOGRAPHY_NO_COLUMNS De-columnize bibliographies BIBLIOGRAPHY_NO_FIRST_PAGENUM Don't print a page number on the first page of bibliographies BIBLIOGRAPHY_PAGENUM_STYLE Format for bib pages page numbering BIBLIOGRAPHY_PT_SIZE Base point size for bib pages BIBLIOGRAPHY_SPACING Post bib entry space BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING String for bib title BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_ADVANCE Distance of title string "BIBLIOGRAPHY" from top edge of page BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_CAPS Capitalize bib title string BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_UNDERLINE Underscore bib title string SINGLESPACE_BIBLIOGRAPHY Singlespace bibs if PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE -Headers and footers- FOOTER_COLOR Footer color FOOTER_GAP Distance between running text and footer FOOTER_MARGIN Distance from footer to bottom of page FOOTERS Turns footers on or off HDRFTR_CENTER String to go in centre part of header/footer; default doctype HDRFTR_CENTER_CAPS Centre part of header/footer in caps? (boolean) HDRFTR_CENTER_PAD Pad hdrftr CENTER left or right by specified amount HDRFTR_GAP Distance from header/footer to running text HDRFTR_LEFT_CAPS Left part of header/footer in caps? (boolean) HDRFTR_LEFT String to go in left part of header/footer; default is AUTHOR_1 HDRFTR_LEFT The header/footer left string HDRFTR_MARGIN Distance from top of page to header HDRFTR_PLAIN Header/footer fam/ft/ps all same as running text HDRFTR_RECTO User-defined, single string recto header/footer HDRFTR_RIGHT_CAPS Right part of header/footer in caps? (boolean) HDRFTR_RIGHT The header/footer right string HDRFTR_RULE_GAP Space between header/footer and header/footer rule HDRFTR_RULE_INTERNAL Prints the header/footer rule HDRFTR_RULE Turns header/footer rule on or off When invoked internally, prints the rule. HDRFTR_VERSO User-defined, single string verso header/footer HEADERS Turns headers on or off HEADER_GAP Space between header and running text HEADER_MARGIN Space from top of page to header HEADERS_AND_FOOTERS Enables and permits the creation of headers and footers that appear on the same page SWITCH_HDRFTR Switch HDRFTR_LEFT and HDRFTR_RIGHT -Page numbering- PAGENUM_HYPHENS Turns on/off hyphens surrounding page numbers PAGENUM_ON_FIRST_PAGE Print page number on first page when footers are on (boolean) PAGENUM_POS Controls placement of page numbers; default=bottom/centred PAGENUM_SIZE How much to in/decrease point size of page numbers PAGENUM_STYLE Page # in roman, Arabic, or alphabetic RESTORE_PAGINATION Restore pagination after outputting non- paginated endnotes. SUSPEND_PAGINATION Suspend pagination prior to outputting endnotes -Heads- HEAD_CAPS Print section titles in caps? (boolean) HEAD_SPACE Give HEADs 2 line-spaces before. If OFF, only 1. Default is on. HEAD_UNDERLINE Underline section titles? (boolean) NUMBER_HEADS Print head numbers RESET_HEAD_NUMBER Reset head number HEAD_BASELINE_ADJUST Amount to raise head above baseline -Subheads- NUMBER_SUBHEADS Print subhead numbers RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER Reset subhead number SUBHEAD_BASELINE_ADJUST Amount to raise subhead above baseline -Subsubheads- NUMBER_SUBSUBHEADS Print subhead numbers RESET_SUBSUBHEAD_NUMBER Reset subhead number SUBSUBHEAD_BASELINE_ADJUST Amount to raise subhead above baseline -Para heads- NUMBER_PARAHEADS Print parahead numbers PARAHEAD_INDENT How much to indent paraheads RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER Reset parahead number PREFIX_CH_NUM_WARNING Macro to abort PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER with a warning if the arg to CHAPTER isn't a digit, and user hasn't supplied a digit to PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER Prefix the chapter number to numbered heads, subheads and paraheads -Paragraphs- INDENT_FIRST_PARAS Indent 1st paras? (doc default=not indented) PARA_INDENT Size of para indent PARA_SPACE Put a line space before paras PP_FONT Overall doc font -Quotes- Q_FITS Utility macro for DO_QUOTE Q_NOFIT Utility macro for DO_QUOTE QUOTE_AUTOLEAD Leading of (block)quotes -Line/section breaks- LINEBREAK_CHAR Linebreak character, iterations and positioning -Printstyle TYPEWRITE- ITALIC_MEANS_ITALIC For TYPEWRITE; render .FT I in italic. SLANT_MEANS_SLANT In TYPEWRITE, render \*[SLANT] as slant UNDERLINE_ITALIC In TYPEWRITE, render .FT I as underlined UNDERLINE_QUOTES In TYPEWRITE, underline quotes? (boolean) UNDERLINE_SLANT In TYPEWRITE, render \*[SLANT] as underlined -Table of contents- TOC_APPENDS_AUTHORS Appends author(s) to toc doc title entries TOC_LEAD Leading of toc pages TOC_PADDING Number of placeholders for toc entries page numbers TOC_HEAD_INDENT Indent of toc head entries TOC_HEADER_STRING TOC header string (default=Contents) TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE Page numbering style (hdrftr nums) of toc pages TOC_RV_SWITCH Switch L/R margins of toc pages TOC_PARAHEAD_INDENT Indent of toc parahead entries TOC_SUBHEAD_INDENT Indent of toc subhead entries TOC_TITLE_ENTRY User supplied toc doc title entry TOC_TITLE_INDENT Indent of toc doc title entries *Aliases for header/footer control macros HEADER_SIZE HDRFTR_SIZE HEADER_RIGHT_PS HDRFTR_RIGHT_SIZE HEADER_RIGHT_SIZE HDRFTR_RIGHT_SIZE HEADER_RIGHT_FAM HDRFTR_RIGHT_FAMILY HEADER_RIGHT_FAMILY HDRFTR_RIGHT_FAMILY HEADER_RIGHT_FONT HDRFTR_RIGHT_FONT HEADER_RIGHT_FT HDRFTR_RIGHT_FONT HEADER_LEFT_PS HDRFTR_LEFT_SIZE HEADER_LEFT_SIZE HDRFTR_LEFT_SIZE HEADER_LEFT_FAM HDRFTR_LEFT_FAMILY HEADER_LEFT_FAMILY HDRFTR_LEFT_FAMILY HEADER_LEFT_FONT HDRFTR_LEFT_FONT HEADER_LEFT_FT HDRFTR_LEFT_FONT HEADER_CENTRE_PS HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE HEADER_CENTRE_SIZE HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE HEADER_FAM HDRFTR_FAMILY HEADER_FAMILY HDRFTR_FAMILY HEADER_CENTRE_FAM HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY HEADER_CENTRE_FAMILY HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY HEADER_CENTRE_FONT HDRFTR_CENTER_FONT HEADER_CENTRE_FT HDRFTR_CENTER_FONT HEADER_CENTER_PS HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE HEADER_CENTER_SIZE HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE HEADER_CENTER_FAM HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY HEADER_CENTER_FAMILY HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY HEADER_CENTER_FONT HDRFTR_CENTER_FONT HEADER_CENTER_FT HDRFTR_CENTER_FONT FOOTER_SIZE HDRFTR_SIZE FOOTER_RIGHT_PS HDRFTR_RIGHT_SIZE FOOTER_RIGHT_SIZE HDRFTR_RIGHT_SIZE FOOTER_RIGHT_FAM HDRFTR_RIGHT_FAMILY FOOTER_RIGHT_FAMILY HDRFTR_RIGHT_FAMILY FOOTER_RIGHT_FONT HDRFTR_RIGHT_FONT FOOTER_RIGHT_FT HDRFTR_RIGHT_FONT FOOTER_LEFT_PS HDRFTR_LEFT_SIZE FOOTER_LEFT_SIZE HDRFTR_LEFT_SIZE FOOTER_LEFT_FAM HDRFTR_LEFT_FAMILY FOOTER_LEFT_FAMILY HDRFTR_LEFT_FAMILY FOOTER_LEFT_FONT HDRFTR_LEFT_FONT FOOTER_LEFT_FT HDRFTR_LEFT_FONT FOOTER_CENTRE_PS HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE FOOTER_CENTRE_SIZE HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE FOOTER_FAM HDRFTR_FAMILY FOOTER_FAMILY HDRFTR_FAMILY FOOTER_CENTRE_FAM HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY FOOTER_CENTRE_FAMILY HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY FOOTER_CENTRE_FT HDRFTR_CENTER_FONT FOOTER_CENTER_PS HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE FOOTER_CENTER_SIZE HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE FOOTER_CENTER_FAM HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY FOOTER_CENTER_FAMILY HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY FOOTER_CENTER_FONT HDRFTR_CENTER_FONT FOOTER_CENTER_FT HDRFTR_CENTER_FONT +++LETTER MACROS+++ CLOSING Closing (i.e. Yours truly,) CLOSING_INDENT Left indent of CLOSING DATE Date for letters FROM Addresser's name and address GREETING Full salutation (e.g. Dear John Smith,) NO_SUITE Remove suite page numbers from bottom of letter pages SIGNATURE_SPACE Amount of room to leave for signature TO Addressee's name and address ALL_DONE .em (the "end macro") for letters +++SUPPORT+++ CHECK_INDENT Applies indents to doc elements inside ev's (head, subhead, etc) CLEANUP_DEFAULTS Removes selected rregisters and strings from DEFAULTS after START DO_COVER Formats and outputs covers DO_DOC_COVER Formats and outputs doc covers D0_QUOTE Outputs quotes with space adjustments before and after DIVER_FN_1_PRE -+ DIVER_FN_2_PRE | Manage footnotes called inside diversions | QUOTE, BLOCKQUOTE and EPIGRAPH DIVER_FN_2_POST -+ DIVERT_FN_LEFTOVER Diverts excess fn stored in FN_OVERFLOW into FOOTNOTE DIVERT_FN_OVERFLOW Diverts excess fn stored in FN_OVERFLOW when FN_DEFER into FOOTNOTE DO_EPIGRAPH Outputs epigraphs with space adjustments before and after FN_OVERFLOW_TRAP Fixed at B_MARGIN; if footnotes run longer than B_MARGIN, diverts excess into FN_OVERFLOW GET_ROMAN_INDENT Figures out amount of space to reserve for roman numerals in lists HDRFTR_RULE Prints rule under header or over footer MN_OVERFLOW_TRAP Trap-invoked macro to collect margin note overflows NO_SHIM Disable SHIM PRINT_FOOTNOTE_RULE An alias of PRINT_FOOTNOTE; prints footnote separator rule PRINT_HDRFTR Prints header/footer (trap invoked) PRINT_PAGE_NUMBER Invoked in HEADER or FOOTER PRINT_USERDEF_HDRFTR Prints user defined, single string recto/verso header/footer PROCESS_SHIM Calculates #SHIM when \n[.d] is lower on the page than #T_MARGIN PROCESS_FN_IN_DIVER Processes footnotes gathered in a diversion (called at page/column breaks) REMOVE_INDENT Removes indents set with CHECK_INDENT Q_FITS Handles spacing of quotes when quote fits on the page Q_NOFIT Handles spacing of quotes when quote does not fit on the page QUIT_LISTS Exit lists cleanly and completely SET_LIST_INDENT Restore indent of a prev. level of list SHIM Advance to next "valid" baseline TERMINATE .em that ensures deferred footnotes get output on final pages TRAPS Sets hdrftr traps; optionally adjusts #DOC_LEAD to fill page to #B_MARGIN TYPEWRITER Sets family (C), font (R) and point size (12) for PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE VFP_CHECK Trap-sprung macro 1 valid baseline higher than where FOOTER will be sprung; checks whether there is, in fact, just enough room for another line of running text to be added to the page without jamming footnotes too close to running text. +++DIVERSIONS+++ B_QUOTE Block (indented) quote text CLOSING_TEXT Closing (i.e. Yours truly,) EPI_TEXT Epigraph text END_NOTES Endnotes text FN_IN_DIVER Footnotes gathered from inside a diversion FN_OVERFLOW Excess footnotes when B_MARGIN is reached FOOTNOTES Text of footnotes GREETING Full salutation (e.g. Dear John Smith,) LETTERHEAD<n> Date, addresser, addressee or greeting; <n> is from 1 to 4, supplied by #FIELD P_QUOTE Line for line (poetic) quote text RUNON_FOOTNOTES Special diversion for run-on footnotes RUNON_FN_IN_DIVER Special diversion for run-on footnotes inside (block)quotes TOC_ENTRIES TOC entries +++NUMBER REGISTERS+++ #ADJ_BIB_LEAD Adjust BIB_LEAD? (boolean) #ADJ_DOC_LEAD Adjust DOC_LEAD? (boolean) #ADJ_EN_LEAD Adjust EN_LEAD? (boolean) #ADJ_TOC_LEAD Adjust TOC_LEAD? (boolean) #ADVANCE_FROM_TOP Distance from page top to start of running text if no docheader #ARG_NUM Keeps track of number of args passed to a macro #ARGS_TO_LIST Was LIST passed some args? (boolean) #ATTRIBUTE_COLOR Colorize attribute string? (boolean) #AUTHOR_<n> Strings passed to AUTHOR #AUTHOR_COLOR Colorize author(s)? (boolean) #AUTHOR_COVER_NUM Incrementing register used in definining $AUTHOR_COVER_<n> strings #AUTHOR_DOCCOVER_NUM Incrementing register used in definining $AUTHOR_COVER_<n> strings #AUTHOR_NUM Keeps track of user-defined string AUTHOR_<n> in AUTHOR #AUTHORS Equals final value of AUTHOR_NUM; used for authors in doc header #BASELINE_MARK In PP, the vertical position on the page (when paragraph spacing is on) after a quote or blockquote has been output and the post-quote space has been added. #BMARG Position of unvarying bottom margin during doc processing; required for collecting footnotes inside diversions #BIB_ALLOWS_HEADERS Put headers on bib pages? (boolean) #BIB_ALLOWS_HEADERS_ALL Put headers on all bib pages? (boolean) #BIB_FIRST_PAGE Tells PRINT_PAGE_NUMBER about bibliography first page number #BIB_FIRST_PN Starting pagenumber for bibliographies #BIB_HDRFTR_CENTER Put a center string in bib page headers? (boolean) #BIB_LEAD Bibliography lead, expressed in points #BIB_LIST Output bibs in list style? (boolean) #BIB_NO_COLS De-columnize bibliographies? (boolean) #BIB_NO_FIRST_PN Put a page number on the first page of bibliographies? (boolean) #BIB_SINGLESPACE Single-space TYPEWRITE bibliographies? (boolean) #BIB_SPACE Post item space for bibliography pages #BIB_STRING_ADVANCE Vertical position of "BIBLIOGRAPHY" string (relative to the top edge of the page) #BIB_STRING_CAPS Capitalize bib title? (boolean) #BIB_STRING_UNDERLINE Underscore bib title? 0=no; 1=yes; 2=double #BIB_STRING_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT Underline weight in units #BIB_STRING_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ Underline weight/2 #BIB_PS Base point size for bibliography pages expressed in points #BIBLIOGRAPHY Are we doing a bib page? (boolean) #BQ_AUTOLEAD Register created by BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD #BQ_LEAD Leading of blockquotes #BQUOTE_COLOR Colorize blockquotes? (boolean) #BQUOTE_LN Number blockquotes? (boolean) #BROKEN_QUOTE Did we invoke BREAK_QUOTE? (boolean) #CAP_HEIGHT_ADJUST Tallest cap height of strings LEFT, CENTER, and RIGHT in footers; used to place rule over footer #CAPS_WAS_ON In HDRFTR, to re-enable running text CAPS (boolean) #CENTER_CAP_HEIGHT Cap height of CENTER string in headers/footers #CH_NUM The chapter number obtained by PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER #CHAPTER_CALLED Has CHAPTER been invoked? (boolean); used by PREFIX_CHAPTER_NUMBER to see whether to try to get the chapter number from the arg passed to CHAPTER #CHAPTER_TITLE_NUM Incrementing register used to define strings $CHAPTER_TITLE_<n> #CHAPTER_TITLE_COLOR Colorize chapter title? (boolean) #CLOSING Is there a closing (for letters)? (boolean) #CODE_COLOR Colorize CODE? (boolean) #CODE_SIZE_ADJ Percentage by which to scale CODE font #COL_L_LENGTH Line length of columns #COL_<n>_L_MARGIN Left margin of column <n> #COL_NEXT Was COL_NEXT invoked? (boolean; used in FOOTER) #COL_NUM Incrementing counter of num of columns; for use with #COL_<n>_L_MARGIN #COL_TOTAL #COL_L_LENGTH + #GUTTER; used to calculate #COL_<n>_L_MARGIN #COLLATE Are we performing a COLLATE? (boolean) #COLLATED_DOC If 1, instructs TOC that this is a collated doc #COLUMNS Are columns turned on? (boolean) #COLUMNS_WERE_ON Stores columnar state prior to outputting endnotes in no-columns mode #COPY_STYLE 1=draft, 2=final #COUNTERS_RESET Tells FOOTNOTE if fn counters have been reset because of footnotes gathered inside a diversion #COVER Print a COVER? (boolean) #COVER_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR Colorize cover attribution string? (boolean) #COVER_AUTHOR Put AUTHOR(s) on COVER? (boolean) #COVER_AUTHOR_COLOR Colorize cover author(s)? (boolean) #COVER_BLANKPAGE Output blankpage after COVER? (boolean) #COVER_COLOR Colorize COVER? (boolean) #COVER_COPYRIGHT Put copyright on COVER? (boolean) #COVER_COPYRIGHT_COLOR Colorize cover copyright line? (boolean) #COVER_DOCTYPE Put doctype on COVER? (boolean) #COVER_DOCTYPE_COLOR Colorize cover doctype? (boolean) #COVER_END Are we ending a COVER? (boolean) #COVER_LEAD Cover leading #COVER_MISC Put misc on COVER? (boolean) #COVER_MISC_COLOR Colorize cover misc line? (boolean) #COVER_RULE_WEIGHT Doctype underline weight on COVER #COVER_RULE_WEIGHT_ADJ COVER_RULE_WEIGHT/2 #COVER_START_POS Vertical starting pos of cover material #COVER_SUBTITLE Put subtitle on COVER? (boolean) #COVER_TITLE Put title on COVER? (boolean) #COVER_TITLE_NUM Number of cover title items #COVER_TITLE_COLOR Colorize cover title? (boolean) #COVER_SUBTITLE_COLOR Colorize cover subtitle? (boolean) #COVER_UNDERLINE Underline doctype on COVER? (boolean) #COVER_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT Doctype underline weight on COVER #COVER_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ COVER_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT/2 #CURRENT_V_POS \n[.d] ; used in SHIM #COVERS Print covers? (boolean) #COVERS_COUNT Include COVER in pagination scheme? (boolean) #COVERS_OFF Don't print COVERs (boolean) #DATE_FIRST Was .DATE invoked as first letter header after .START? (boolean) dc "mark" register for document columns #DIVER_FN Register that tells FOOTNOTE whether to "move" or "defer" a footnote collected inside a diversion #DEFER_BIB_SPACING Tells DEFAULTS to do BIBLIOGRAPHY_SPACING if it was called before START #DEFER_PAGINATION Tells COLLATE to restore pagination (from RESTORE_PAGINATION #DEFER_SPACE_ADDED Was space added between two "first" footnotes that appear on the same page? (boolean) #DELAY_SHIM Instructs DO_QUOTE to delay SHIM when quote falls at the top of a page #DEPTH LIST depth #DEPTH_1 Doc header depth with lead adjustment (#DOCHEADER_LINES * #DOCHEADER_LEAD) #DEPTH_2 Doc header depth without lead adjustment (#DOCHEADER_LINES * #DOC_LEAD) #DEPTH_TO_B_MARGIN Page length minus #B_MARGIN #DIVERSIONS_HY_MARGIN A reasonable value for .hym applied to QUOTE, BLOCKQUOTE and EPIGRAPH to avoid excessive hyphenation if these are set quad left #DIVERTED Set to 1 in DIVERT_FN_OVERFLOW; reset subsequently in FOOTNOTES when called by PROCESS_FN_LEFTOVER to 2 or 3 for use by FOOTER to decide whether to in/decrease #FN_DEPTH when outputting footnotes #DOC_COVER Are we doing a DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_AUTHOR Put AUTHOR(s) on DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOCCOVER_BLANKPAGE Output blank page after DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_CHAPTER_TITLE_COLOR Colorize CHAPTER_TITLE on DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT Put copyright on DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE Put doctype on DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOCCOVER_END Are we finishing a DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_LEAD Doc cover leading #DOC_COVER_MISC Put misc on DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_START_POS Vertical starting pos of doc cover material #DOC_COVER_COLOR Colorize cover? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_START_POS Vertical starting pos of cover material #DOC_COVER_TITLE_COLOR Colorize doc cover title? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_COLOR Colorize doc cover subtitle? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR Colorize doc cover attribution string? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_COLOR Colorize doc cover author(s)? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_COLOR Colorize doc cover doctype? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_COLOR Colorize doc cover copyright line? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_MISC_COLOR Colorize doc cover misc line? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE Put subtitle on DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_TITLE Put title on DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOC_COVER_TITLE_NUM Number of doc cover title items #DOC_COVERS Print doc covers? (boolean) #DOC_COVERS_OFF Don't print DOC_COVERs (boolean) #DOCCOVER_RULE_WEIGHT Doctype underline weight on DOC_COVER #DOCCOVER_RULE_WEIGHT_ADJ DOCCOVER_RULE_WEIGHT/2 #DOCCOVER_UNDERLINE Underline doctype on DOC_COVER? (boolean) #DOCCOVER_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT Doctype underline weight on DOC_COVER #DOCCOVER_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ DOCCOVER_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT/2 #DOCCOVERS_COUNT Include DOC_COVER in pagination scheme? (boolean) #DOC_HEADER Whether to print a doc header (boolean) #DOC_LEAD_ADJ Incrementing value (in units) added to #DOC_LEAD to fill page to #B_MARGIN #DOC_LEAD Leading used in body #DOC_L_LENGTH Global L_LENGTH #DOC_L_MARGIN Global L_MARGIN #DOC_LR_MARGIN_TMP In HEADER, if RECTO_VERSO=1, temporarily holds DOC_L_MARGIN during page margin switch #DOC_PT_SIZE Point size used for body text #DOC_R_MARGIN Global R_MARGIN #DOC_TYPE 1=default, 2=chapter, 3=named, 4=letter #DOCHEADER_ADVANCE Distance from top-of-page to baseline of docheader #DOCHEADER_COLOR Colorize docheader? (boolean) #DOCHEADER_DEPTH Depth of docheader #DOCHEADER_LEAD Lead of doc header (#DOC_LEAD + #DOCHEADER_LEAD_ADJ) #DOC_LEAD_ADJUST_OFF Don't adjust DOC_LEAD (boolean) #DOCS Always 1 after START #DOCTITLE_NUM Number of doctitle items #DOCTYPE_COLOR Colorize doctype? (boolean) #DOCTYPE_RULE_WEIGHT Doctype underline weight #DOCTYPE_RULE_WEIGHT_ADJ DOCTYPE_RULE_WEIGHT/2 #DOCTYPE_UNDERLINE Underline doctype? (boolean) #DOCTYPE_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT Weight of doctype underline #DOCTYPE_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ DOCTYPE_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT/2 #DOING_COVER Tells PRINT_AUTHORS that it's printing the authors for a cover or doc cover #DONE_ONCE Keeps track of how many times footnotes have been collected inside the same diversion #DONT_RULE_ME Rule this (apparent) first footnote? (boolean) #DIVER_LN_OFF Turn linenumbering off in (block)quotes? (boolean) #DRAFT_WITH_PAGENUM Are we attaching draft/revision info to page number? (boolean) #EM_ADJUST Amount to raise \(em at END #EN_ALLOWS_HEADERS Put page headers on endnotes pages? (boolean) #EN_ALLOWS_HEADERS_ALL Put page headers on all endnotes pages? (boolean) #EN_BQ_AUTOLEAD Register created by EN_BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD #EN_BQ_LEAD Leading of blockquotes on endnotes pages #EN_FIGURE_SPACE Width of \0, for use with formatting endnotes #EN_FIRST_PAGE Tells PRINT_PAGE_NUMBER about endnotes first page number #EN_FIRST_PN Page number that appears on page 1 of endnotes pages. #EN_HDRFTR_CENTER Should we print centre string of headers/footers on endnotes pages? (boolean) #EN_LEAD Lead of endnotes #EN_LN_BRACKETS Are we using brackets for line-numbered endnotes (boolean) #EN_LN_SEP Are we using a separator for line-numbered endnotes (boolean) #EN_MARK \n[ln] when \*[EN-MARK] is called #EN_MARK_2 \n[ln] when ENDNOTE is called #EN_MARKER_STYLE 1=NUMBER; 2=LINE #EN_NO_COLS Do not set endnotes in columns? (boolean) #EN_NO_FIRST_PN Put pagenumber on 1st page of endnotes? (boolean) #EN_NUMBER Number of current endnote #EN_NUMBER_PLACEHOLDERS Number of placeholders to reserve for endnotes numbers #EN_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT Hang and align endnote numbers right? (boolean) #EN_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT Align endnote numbers with left margin? (boolean) #EN_NUMBERS_PLACEHOLDERS Number of placeholders when endnote numbers hang and align right #EN_NUMBER_L_LENGTH Line length for endnote numbers when they're right aligned #EN_PP_INDENT First line indent of paras in multi-para endnotes #EN_PP_SPACE Space multi-paras in endnotes? (boolean) #EN_PS ps of endnotes #EN_Q_AUTOLEAD Register created by EN_QUOTE_AUTOLEAD #EN_Q_LEAD Leading of quotes on endnotes pages #EN_REF Put REFs in endnotes? (boolean) #EN_SINGLESPACE Single space endnotes pages? (boolean) #EN_STRING_ADVANCE Vertical position of "ENDNOTES" string (relative to the top edge of the page) #EN_STRING_CAPS Should ENDNOTES capitalize the endnotes string? (boolean) #EN_STRING_UNDERLINE Underscore endnotes page head? (boolean) #EN_STRING_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT Weight of endnotes page title underscore #EN_STRING_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ EN_STRING_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ/2 #EN_TEXT_INDENT Page offset for text of endnotes when numbers right align #EN_TITLE_UNDERLINE Underscore endnotes document identifier? (boolean) #EN_TITLE_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT Weight of endnotes document identification underscore #EN_TITLE_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ #EN_STRING_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ/2 #END_QUOTE For PP=0 indenting; did we just end a quote? (boolean) #ENDNOTE Are we in an endnote? (boolean) #ENDNOTE_REFS Are REFs going to endnotes? (boolean) #ENDNOTES Are we in an endnote (for FOOTERs; boolean) #EPI_ACTIVE Are we in an epigraph? (boolean) #EPI_AUTOLEAD Autolead value for epigraphs #EPI_COLOR Colorize epigraphs? (boolean) #EPI_DEPTH Depth of epigraph from first baseline to last #EPI_FITS Does epigraph fit on page/column? (boolean) #EPIGRAPH Did we have an epigraph? (boolean) #EPI_LEAD_DIFF Difference between #DOC_LEAD and #EPI_LEAD #EPI_LEAD Leading of epigraph; set by AUTOLEAD #EPI_LINES_EVEN Even # of lines at end of epi crossing page in TYPEWRITE (d-spaced)? #EPI_LINES Number of lines in the epigraph #EPI_LINES_TO_END Number of epigraph lines remaining after footer trap is sprung #EPI_LINES_TO_TRAP Number of epigraph lines till footer trap is sprung #EPI_L_LENGTH Epigraph line length #EPI_OFFSET Left margin of epigraphs #EPI_OFFSET_VALUE Epigraph indent as a function of page offset #EPI_ON Are we in an epigraph? (boolean) #EPI_WHITESPACE Space after epigraph to compensate for epigraph leading #FIELD Incrementing register tacked onto LETTERHEAD #FINIS Was FINIS invoked? (boolean) #FINIS_STRING_CAPS Capitalize finis string? (boolean) #FINIS_COLOR Colorize FINIS? (boolean) #FIRST_DOC_TITLE_PN Page number of 1st (collated) doc (for TOC) #FIRST_DOC_TOC_PN_PADDING Padding for 1st page number of 1st (collated) doc (for TOC) #FN_AUTOLEAD Autolead value of footnotes #FN_BL_INDENT Left indent of INDENT BOTH in footnotes #FN_BR_INDENT Right indent of INDENT BOTH in footnotes #FN_COUNT Which fn marker to print; also to tell mom to reserve space for and print the rule above footnotes #FN_COUNT_AT_FOOTER The FN_COUNT after FOOTNOTES has been output in FOOTER #FN_COUNT_FOR_COLS Holds a separate footnote count for columns (so they don't reset to 0 1 until page break) #FN_DEFER Defer footnote to next page/column? (boolean) If 0, don't defer. #FN_DEFER_SPACE Whether to deposit space before footnote 1 because there's a deferred footnote on the page #FN_DEPTH Depth of footnote diversion(s) #FN_FOR_EPI Signals to epigraph that a footnote is being processed #FN_GAP When there are footnotes on a page, the difference between where FOOTER will be sprung and the next valid baseline. Used in VFP_CHECK. #FN_LEAD Lead in footnotes after FN_AUTOLEAD is applied #FN_L_INDENT Left indent of INDENT LEFT in footnotes #FN_LINES Number of lines in fn; used to calculate fn depth #FN_LN_BRACKETS Are footnote linenumber brackets being used? (boolean) #FN_LN_SEP Is a footnote linenumber separator being used? (boolean) #FN_MARK \n[ln] when \*[FN-MARK] is called #FN_MARK_2 \n[nl] when FOOTNOTE is called #FN_MARKER_STYLE 1=STAR; 2=NUMBER #FN_MARKERS Print footnote markers? (boolean) #FN_NUMBER The footnote number attached to running text (and fns) when numbers instead of star/dagger is being used for footnootes numbers #FN_OVERFLOW_DEPTH Depth of leftover from footnote processing #FN_OVERFLOW_TRAP_POS The register that sets the position of trap FN_OVERFLOW_TRAP. #FN_R_INDENT Right indent of INDENT RIGHT in footnotes #FN_REF Put REFs in footnotes? (boolean) #FN_RULE Print fn rule? (boolean) #FN_RULE_ADJ # of points to raise footnote separator from its baseline #FN_RULE_LENGTH Length of footnote separator rule #FN_RULE_WEIGHT Weight of the footnote separator rule #FN_RULE_WEIGHT_ADJ FN_RULE_WEIGHT/2 #FN_WAS_DEFERED Tells HEADER about a deferred footnote #FOOTER_DIFF In TRAPS, the difference between the original #B_MARGIN and #VISUAL_B_MARGIN #FOOTER_GAP Amount of space between end of text and page # #FOOTER_MARGIN Amount of space between page # and bottom of page #FOOTER_POS Position of footer trap (required for collecting footnotes inside a diversion) #FOOTER_RULE Print footer rule? (boolean) #FOOTER_RULE_GAP Gap between footer and separator rule above #FOOTER_RULE_WEIGHT Weight of footer rule #FOOTER_RULE_WEIGHT_ADJ #FOOTER_RULE_WEIGHT/2 #FOOTERS_ON Are we using footers? (boolean) #FOOTERS_WERE_ON Were footers on? - used in FINIS and BLANKPAGE (boolean) #FOOTNOTE_COLOR Colorize footnotes? (boolean) #FROM_BIB_STRING Tells UNDERSCORE it's underscoring $BIB_STRING #FROM_COVER Tells UNDERSCORE it's underscoring on a cover #FROM_DOC_COVER Tells UNDERSCORE it's underscoring on a doccover #FROM_DOCTYPE Tells UNDERSCORE it's underscoring the doctype #FROM_EN_STRING Tells UNDERSCORE it's underscoring $EN_STRING #FROM_EN_TITLE Tells UNDERSCORE it's underscoring $EN_TITLE #FROM_HEAD Tells UNDERSCORE it's underscoring a head #FROM_DIVERT_FN Signals to FOOTNOTE, when run from within DIVERT_FN_LEFTOVER, to set #SPACE_REMAINING to the total area allowable for running text #FROM_FOOTER In col to col footnote processing, tells FOOTNOTE that FOOTNOTES was output from FOOTER. #FROM_HEADER In col to col footnote processing, tells FOOTNOTE that FOOTNOTES was output from HEADER. #FULLSPACE_QUOTES Should we fullspace quotes? (boolean) #GET_DC_HEIGHT Used in routine to get the correct point size for dropcaps #GET_DEPTH Signals to FOOTNOTE that it should measure the depth of current footnotes plus the most recently added one, except where the footnote is to be deferred to the next page or column #GUTTER Width of gutter between columns #H_BASELINE_ADJ Vertical spacing adjustment for heads (default=0) #HDRFTR_BOTH Are we setting both headers and footers? (boolean) #HDRFTR_CENTER_CAPS CENTER part of header/footer in caps? (boolean; default=off) #HDRFTR_CENTER_COLOR Colorize header/footer center? (boolean) #HDRFTR_COLOR Colorize headers/footers? (boolean) #HDRFTR_CTR_PAD_LEFT Amount of hdrftr CENTER padding on the left #HDRFTR_CTR_PAD_RIGHT Amount of hdrftr CENTER padding on the right #HDRFTR_CTR_PAD_TMP Temp storage of left hdrftr CENTER padding (for recto/verso switch) #HDRFTR_HEIGHT Cap height of $HDRFTR_RECTO/$HDRFTR_VERSO strings #HDRFTR_LEFT_CAPS Left part of header/footer in caps? (boolean; default=off) #HDRFTR_LEFT_COLOR Colorize header/footer left? (boolean) #HDRFTR_PT_SIZE Initial point size of headers/footers #HDRFTR_RECTO_CAPS Header/footer recto caps? (boolean) #HDRFTR_RIGHT_CAPS Right part of header/footer in caps? (boolean; default=on) #HDRFTR_RIGHT_COLOR Colorize header/footer right? (boolean) #HDRFTR_RULE Print head/footer rule? (boolean) #HDRFTR_RULE_COLOR Colorize header/footer rule? (boolean) #HDRFTR_RULE_GAP Space between header/footer and header/footer rule #HDRFTR_RULE_WEIGHT Weight of header/footer rule #HDRFTR_RULE_WEIGHT_ADJ HDRFTR_RULE_WEIGHT/2 #HDRFTR_TMP_CAPS_SWITCH Temporarily holds HDRFTR_LEFT_CAPS value if #SWITCH_HDRFTR=1 #HDRFTR_VERSO_CAPS Header/footer verso caps? (boolean) #HEAD 1=main/section head 2=subhead #HEAD_CAPS Print section titles in caps? (boolean) #HEAD_COLOR Colorize heads? (boolean) #HEADER_GAP Distance from header to running text #HEAD_NUM Head number #HEAD_SPACE 2 line spaces before heads? (boolean) #HEAD_UNDERLINE Underline heads? (boolean) #HEAD_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT Head underline weight #HEAD_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT_ADJ HEAD_UNDERLINE_WEIGHT/2 #HEADER_MARGIN Distance from top of page to header #HEADER_RULE Print header rule? (boolean) #HEADER_RULE_GAP Gap between header and header rule #HEADER_RULE_WEIGHT Header rule weight #HEADER_RULE_WEIGHT_ADJ HEADER_RULE_WEIGHT/2 #HEADERS_ON Headers on? (boolean) #HEADER_STATE Saves header state in COLLATE for use in START after COLLATE #HEADERS_WERE_ON Were headers on? - used in BLANKPAGE (boolean) #HF_OFF Has HEADERS_AND_FOOTERS been turned off? (boolean) #HORIZ_MARK Horizontal #HOW_MANY Number of blank pages to output #IGNORE Should we ignore this macro? Set to 1 in TYPEWRITE. #IN_BIB_LIST Tells ITEM we're doing a bibliography in list style #INDENT_FIRST_PARAS Indent first paras? (boolean) #INDENT_FIRSTS Tells footnotes to leave INDENT_FIRST_PARAS alone if it's on for running text. #ITALIC_MEANS_ITALIC For TYPEWRITE. (boolean) #ITEM Counter for removing _1, _2, _3... strings in TITLE, CHAPTER_TITLE, etc. #L_LENGTH_FOR_EPI Stores line length at top of doc for use with EPIGRAPH when columns are on #L_MARGIN_DIFF Difference between DOC_L_MARGIN and L_MARGIN #LEFT_CAP_HEIGHT Cap height of left string in headers/footers #VALID_BASELINE Calculates vert. position of next valid baseline in SHIM #LETTER_STYLE 1=BUSINESS 2=PERSONAL #LINEBREAK Did we have a linebreak? (boolean) #LINEBREAK_COLOR Colorize linebreak? (boolean) #LINENUMBER_COLOR Colorize linenumbers? (boolean) #LINENUMBERS Holds various states of line-numbering when line numbering is enabled #LINES_PER_PAGE # of lines (at DOC_LEAD) that fit on page after #B_MARGIN is set #LN Test 1st arg to NUMBER_LINES for digit or string MN-active Are we doing a margin note? (boolean) MN-curr Current margin note MN-div-<n>-depth Depth of margin note <n> MN-hy Hyphenation flag of margin notes #MNinit Have margin notes been initialized? (boolean) #MNinit_DEFERRED Did we have to defer a margin note? (boolean) MN-last-pos Baseline of previous margin note MN-lead-adj Difference between the current DOC_LEAD and the leading used in margin notes MN-left Number of current left margin note MN-left-start Horizontal start position of left margin note MN-left-width Width of left margin note MN-right Number of current right margin note MN-right-start Horizontal start position of right margin note MN-right-width Width of right margin note MN-sep Gutter between margin notes and running text MN-shifted Did we have to shift a margin note down? (boolean) MN-size Point size of margin notes MN-spacing Leading of margin notes #MISC_<n> Used to print "next" misc lines in DO_COVER #MISC_COVER_NUM Number of cover misc items #MISC_DOCCOVER_NUM Number od doc cover misc items #MISC_NUM Number of MISC items #MISCS =#MISC_NUM in DO_COVER #MN_OVERFLOW_LEFT If 1, left margin note text overflows #MN_OVERFLOW_RIGHT If 1, right margin note text overflows #n%_AT_PAGENUM_SET Page # from n% when PAGENUMBER invoked #NEEDS_SPACE Instruct FOOTNOTE, when called by PROCESS_FN_IN_DIVER, that if the footnote had to be deferred, the VFP must be raised by 1v (set in DIVER_FN_2_PRE) #NEITHER Should we print no covers? (boolean) #NEXT_AUTHOR Supplies correct digit to AUTHOR_<n> when printing authors in doc header #NEXT_LN Next linenumber when \n[ln] has to be stored because linenumbering suspended #NEXT_MISC Incrementing counter for misc lines in DO_COVER #NEXT_SUBTITLE Incrementing register used to print subtitles #no-repeat-MN-left Don't repeat left margin note (boolean) #no-repeat-MN-right Don't repeat right margin note (boolean) #NO_BACK_UP Instructs FN_OVERFLOW_TRAP not to subtract 1 line of footnote lead from FN_OVERFLOW in a PREV_FN_DEFERRED situation. #NO_BREAK Set to 1 in COLLATE if last line of text before COLLATE falls at the bottom of the page; instructs NEWPAGE to use 'br instead of .br #NO_COLUMNS Don't print document in columns (boolean) #NO_FN_MARKER Don't print footnote markers (boolean) #NO_SHIM Should SHIM shim? (boolean) #NO_SPACE When para spacing is active, instructs PP not to add space after a quote or blockquote #NO_TRAP_RESET Should we reset page traps? (boolean) #NOT_YET_ADJUSTED Line on which a footnote was called has not yet been adjusted by groff (boolean) #NUM_AUTHORS # of authors mod 2 to test if odd or even # of authors #NUM_MISCS Number of args passed to MISC #NUM_MISCS_COVER Number of args passed to MISC COVER #NUM_MISCS_DOCCOVER Number of args passed to MISC DOC_COVER #NUMBER_HEAD Are heads numbered? (boolean) #NUMBER_PH Are paraheads numbered? (boolean) #NUMBER_SH Are subheads numbered? (boolean) #NUMBER_SSH Are subsubheads numbered? (boolean) #NUM_COLS Number of columns per page #NUMBERED If set to 1, lets PARAHEAD know that main-, sub-, and subsubhead numbers have already been prefixed to the parahead string #NUM_FIELDS Incrementing register used to match #TOTAL_FIELDS #OK_PROCESS_LEAD Initial processing of TOC and endnote leading is deferred until OK_PROCESS_LEAD=1 #ORIGINAL_B_MARGIN The value for #B_MARGIN as set by the macro B_MARGIN #ORIG_DOC_LEAD DOC_LEAD before endnotes, bibliographies, tocs #ORIG_L_LENGTH \\n[.l] before starting LISTs #ORIGINAL_DOC_LEAD The lead for PRINT_STYLE 1 as set in PRINTSTYLE; required so that PRINT_STYLE 1 footnotes have an unadjusted lead of 12 points #OVERFLOW Signals to FOOTNOTE that some of the footnote text won't fit on the page #OVERFLOW_LEFT Does left margin note overflow? (boolean) #OVERFLOW_RIGHT Does right margin note overflow? (boolean) #P Page number for margin notes #PAD_LIST_DIGITS<n> Pad LIST digits for LIST <n>? (boolean) #PAGE_NUM_ADJ What to add to n% to get #PAGENUMBER #PAGE_NUM_H_POS 1=left 2=CENTER 3=right; default=2 #PAGE_NUM_COLOR Colorize pagenumbers? (boolean) #PAGE_NUM_HYPHENS Print hyphens surrounding page numbers? (boolean) #PAGE_NUM_HYPHENS_SET Did user set (or unset) hyphens around page numbers? (boolean) #PAGE_NUM_POS_SET Did user set page number position? (boolean) #PAGE_NUM_SET Test if PAGE_1_NUM was used to set 1st page number #PAGE_NUM_V_POS 1=top 2=bottom; default=2 #PAGE_NUMS Print page numbers? (boolean) #PAGE_POS Exact position on page during a diversion (required for collecting footnotes inside a diversion) #PAGE_TOP \n[nl] after HEADER completes itself #PAGENUM_STYLE_SET Did we set pagenumber style? (boolean) #PAGENUMBER The page number #PAGES Number of blank pages to output #PAGINATE Are we paginating? (boolean) #PAGINATE_TOC Is toc pagination on? (boolean) #PAGINATE_WAS_ON Keeps track of pagination state while outputting blank pages #PAGINATION_STATE Saves pagination state in COLLATE for use in START after a COLLATE #PAGINATION_WAS_ON Was pagination on? - used in FINIS (boolean) #PH_COLOR Colorize paraheads? (boolean) #PH_INDENT Size of parahead indent #PH_NUM Parahead number #PP 0 at first para; auto-increments #PP_AT_PAGE_BREAK # of last (incl. partial) para on page #PP_INDENT How much to indent paras #PP_SPACE Put space before paras? (boolean) #PP_SPACE_SUSPEND Suspend para spacing for blockquotes and epigraphs #PP_STYLE_PREV In footnotes, stores PP style in effect prior to invoking FOOTNOTE #PP_STYLE Regular para=1; quote or epi para=2 #PRE_COLLATE Set to 1 in COLLATE; prevents FAMILY from clobbering a user-set DOC_FAMILY #PREFIX_CH_NUM Prefix the chapter number to numbered heads, subheads and/or paraheads? (boolean) #PREV_FN_DEFERRED Was previous footnote deferred? (boolean) #PRINT_PAGENUM_ON_PAGE_1 Should we print the page number on first page of doc when footers are on? (boolean) #PRINT_STYLE Typewrite=1, typeset=2 #PT_SIZE_IN_UNITS Stored value of \n[.ps] from last time PT_SIZE was called #Q_AUTOLEAD Register created by QUOTE_AUTOLEAD #Q_DEPTH Depth of quote #Q_FITS Does this quote fit on one page/column? (boolean) #Q_LEAD Leading of quotes #Q_LEAD_DIFF Difference between leading of running text and the leading used in quotes/blockquotes #Q_LEAD_REAL Leading of quotes and blockquotes saved at the ends of their respective diversions #Q_L_LENGTH Line length of quotes #Q_OFFSET Page offset for quotes #Q_OFFSET_VALUE Factor by which to multiply PP_INDENT to offset quotes #Q_PARTIAL_DEPTH The amount of a quote/blockquote that fits at the bottom of a page when a quote/blockquote spans pages #Q_PP In PP, stores para # in QUOTE. Removed in ENDQUOTE. #Q_SPACE_ADJ The flexible amount of whitespace to add before and after a quote/blockquote #Q_TOP Vertical place on page that a quote starts #QUOTE 1=PQUOTE, 2=BQUOTE #QUOTE_COLOR Colorize quotes (poetic)? (boolean) #QUOTE_LN Linenumber quotes? (boolean) #RECTO_VERSO Switch HEADER_LEFT and HEADER_RIGHT on alternate pages? (boolean) ref*suppress-period Suppress period at end of ref field? (boolean) ref*type Kind of reference we're building #REF Was REF called? (boolean) #REF_HY Hyphenate REFs? (boolean) #REF_WARNING Have we issued a ref warning? (boolean) #REPEAT Number of times to repeat linebreak character #RERUN_TRAPS Should we invoke TRAPS? (boolean) #RESERVED_SPACE Just enough room to put 1 more line of footnotes on the page #RESET_EN_PP Holds value of register #EN_PP_INDENT #RESET_EN_PP_INDENT Holds value of register #EN_PP_INDENT #RESET_FN_COUNTERS 1 = "moved" footnote collected in a diversion 2 = "deferred" fn collected in a diversion #RESET_FN_NUMBER Should fn# start at 1 on every page? (boolean) #RESET_L_LENGTH Stores current line length when necessary #RESET_PARA_SPACE Holds current value of boolean register #PP_SPACE #RESET_PP_INDENT Stores value of PP_INDENT when needed #RESET_QUOTE_SPACING Stores value of boolean register #FULLSPACE_QUOTES (used in endnotes) #RESTORE_ADJ_DOC_LEAD Stores value of #ADJ_DOC_LEAD whenever needed #RESTORE_B_MARGIN Stores #B_MARGIN whenever needed #RESTORE_DOC_LEAD Stores value of current doc lead (used in endnotes) #RESTORE_HY Restore hyphenation after .][? (boolean) #RESTORE_INDENT Store \n[.i] whenever needed #RESTORE_L_LENGTH Stores \n[.l] whenever needed #RESTORE_LN_NUM Should we restore line numbering? (boolean) #RESTORE_OFFSET Page offset at moment footer trap is sprung; not currently used #RESTORE_UNDERLINE Instructs CODE OFF to restore underlining of italics (TYPEWRITE) if underlining was formerly on #RIGHT_CAP_HEIGHT Cap height of right string in headers/footers #RULED Tells FOOTNOTE if a rule (or space has been put above the first footnote on the page #RUNON_FN_IN_DIVER If #LN=1, if we're in a (block)quote, instructs FOOTNOTE to unformat diversion RUNON_FN_IN_DIVER #RUNON_FOOTNOTES If #LN=1, instructs FOOTNOTE to unformat diversion RUNON_FOOTNOTES #RUN_ON Are we using run-on footnotes? (boolean) #SAVED_DIVER_FN_COUNT In the case of a footnote inside a diversion that should be treated as a "normal" footnote, FOOTNOTE needs to distinguish between a "normal" deferred footnote (always the 1st footnote on the page) and one that only looks as if it should be deferred, when, in fact, it's an overflow; this register lets FOOTNOTE know whether the diversion footnote is, in fact, the first on the page. #SAVED_DOC_LEAD Stored value of #DOC_LEAD (used in DEFAULTS after a COLLATE) #SAVED_FN_COUNT #FN_COUNT+1 prior to +#FN_COUNT; used in FOOTNOTES while gathering fns inside diversions #SAVED_FN_COUNT_FOR_COLS #FN_COUNT_FOR_COLS+1 prior to +#FN_COUNT_FOR_COLS; used in FOOTNOTES while gathering fns inside diversions #SAVED_FN_DEPTH_1 Footnote depth prior to adding footnote diversion depth to FN_DEPTH; used when footnote text will overflow #SAVED_FN_DEPTH_2 Footnote depth after to adding footnote diversion depth to FN_DEPTH; used when footnote text will overflow #SAVED_FN_NUMBER Stores current FN_NUMBER whenever needed #SAVED_FOOTER_POS Position of FOOTER in DO_QUOTE (hack) #SAVED_LEAD In FOOTER and DO_FOOTER, stores the lead in effect prior to outputting FOOTNOTES or performing either PROCESS_FN_LEFTOVER or PROCESS_FN_IN_DIVERSION; both the diversion FOOTNOTES and the two macros have, for PRINT_STYLE 2, an AUTOLEAD call, which requires that an LS be performed with the #SAVED_LEAD in order to remove register #AUTO_LEAD or #AUTO_LEAD_FACTOR. #SAVED_UNDERSCORE_WEIGHT Stores underscore weight whenever needed #SAVED_UNDERSCORE_WEIGHT_ADJ SAVED_UNDERSCORE_WEIGHT/2 #SAVED_VFP Store variable footer position whenever needed #SAVED_WEIGHT Stores weight given to RULE_WEIGHT whenever needed #SAVED_WEIGHT_ADJ SAVED_UNDERSCORE_WEIGHT/2 #SEP_TYPE Set to 1 if LIST separator is ( or [ or { #SH_COLOR Colorize subheads? (boolean) #SH_BASELINE_ADJ #DOC_LEAD/8 (TYPESET) or /5 (TYPEWRITE) (used for subhead vertical spacing) #SH_NUM Subhead number #SHIM Amount of lead required to advance to next valid baseline #SILENT_BQUOTE_LN "Silently" linenumber blockquotes? (boolean) #SILENT_QUOTE_LN "Silently" linenumber quotes? (boolean) #SINGLE_SPACE Is TYPEWRITE in single space mode? (boolean) #SKIP ENTRY If one, don't print the first entry (the document title) in the TOC of uncollated docs. #SKIP_FOOTER If 1, instructs DO_FOOTER to do nothing if B_MARGIN falls below FOOTER_MARGIN #SLANT_MEANS_SLANT For TYPEWRITE. (boolean) #SLANT_WAS_ON Keeps track of SLANT when it needs to go off for a while #SPACE_REMAINING Space remaining to footer trap; used to decide whether or not to defer a footnote #SPACE_TO_FOOTER Distance to FOOTER trap; used to calculate available space when FOOTNOTE is called inside a diversion #SR_ADJ_FACTOR An adjustment factor that compensates for the fact that #SPACE_REMAINING sometimes reports a fractionally larger space than is actually available for footnote text. #SSH_BASELINE_ADJ #DOC_LEAD/8 (TYPESET) or /5 (TYPEWRITE) (used for subsubhead vertical spacing) #START If 1, signals completion of START #START_FOR_FOOTERS Toggle set in START; signals to PRINT_HDRFTR that START has been invoked, allowing PRINT_HDRFTR to decide whether or not to print a footer on page 1 #START_FOR_MNinit If 1, defer processing MN_INIT until #START #STORED_PP_INDENT Temporarily holds value of #PP_INDENT #SUBHEAD Was subhead the last macro invoked? (boolean) Controls vert. space between SUBHEAD and SUBSUBHEAD #SUBTITLE_COLOR Colorize subtitle? (boolean) #SUBTITLE_COVER_NUM Incrementing register used to define strings $SUBTITLE_COVER_<n> #SUBTITLE_DOCCOVER_NUM Incrementing register used to define strings $SUBTITLE_DOCCOVER_<n> #SUBTITLE_NUM Incrementing register used to define strings $SUBTITLE_<n> #SUBTITLES Holds number of subtitle items #SUITE Current page number (for letters) #SUP_PT_SIZE Point size of superscript #SUSPEND_PAGINATION Suspend pagination prior to endnotes? #SWITCH_HDRFTR Switch HDRFTR_LEFT and HDRFTR_RIGHT? (boolean) #T_MARGIN_LEAD_ADJ \n[.v]-12000; ensures critically accurate placement of first lines on pages when doc processing is not being used and a T_MARGIN has been set #TAB_OFFSET# "#" at the end is from $CURRENT_TAB #TERMINATE Has TERMINATE been called? (boolean) #TITLE_COLOR Colorize title? (boolean) #TITLE_NUM Number of title items #TOC_AUTHORS Whether to append author(s) to toc doc title entries (boolean) #TOC_ENTRY_PN Current page number when a toc entry is collected #TOC_FIRST_PAGE If 1, tells PRINT_PAGE_NUMBER that this is the first page of the toc #TOC_LEAD Leading of toc pages #TOC_PN_PADDING Max. # of placeholders for toc entries page numbers #TOC_PS Point size of toc pages #TOC_RV_SWITCH Switch L/R margins of toc pages #TOC_HEAD_INDENT Indent of toc head entries #TOC_HEAD_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of toc head entries #TOC_PH_INDENT Indent of toc parahead entries #TOC_PH_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of toc parahead entries #TOC_SH_INDENT Indent of toc subhead entries #TOC_SH_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of toc subhead entries #TOC_TITLE_INDENT Indent of toc doc title entries #TOC_TITLE_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of toc doc title entries #TOTAL_FIELDS Total number of letter header fields #TRAP \n[.t]-1 (used in DO_QUOTE) #UNADJUSTED_DOC_LEAD Argument passed to DOC_LEAD prior to adjusting (set in TRAPS) #UNDERLINE_ITALIC For TYPEWRITE. (boolean) #UNDERLINE_ON Was UNDERLINE called? (boolean) #UNDERLINE_QUOTES Was UNDERLINE_QUOTES called? (boolean) #UNDERLINE_QUOTE Underline pquotes? (boolean) #UNDERLINE_SLANT For TYPEWRITE. (boolean) #UNDERLINE_WAS_ON Was underlining on prior to the invocation of current macro? (boolean) #UNDERLINE_WAS_ON_FN As above, but for footnotes only #USER_DEF_HDRFTR_CENTER Has user defined hdrftr center? (boolean) #USER_DEF_HDRFTR_LEFT Has user defined hdrftr left? (boolean) #USER_DEF_HDRFTR_RIGHT Has user defined hdrftr right? (boolean) #USER_DEF_HEADER_CENTER User defined CENTER title? (boolean); used in COPYSTYLE #USER_DEF_HEADER_LEFT User defined CENTER title? (boolean); used in COPYSTYLE #USER_DEF_HEADER_RIGHT User defined CENTER title? (boolean) used in COPYSTYLE #USERDEF_HDRFTR User defined single string recto/verso header/footer? (boolean) #USERDEF_HDRFTR_RECTO_QUAD 1=left, 2=CENTER, 3=right #USERDEF_HDRFTR_VERSO_QUAD 1=left, 2=CENTER, 3=right #VARIABLE_FOOTER_POS Wandering trap position for processing footnotes and footers; pos depends on number of footnotes #VISUAL_B_MARGIN Set in TRAPS, what \n[nl] would report on the last line of running text before FOOTER is sprung. #VFP_DIFF #FN_DEPTH minus #SAVED_FN_DEPTH; the number of footnote lines that will fit on the page when there will be over, and therefore the amount by which to raise the VFP for footnotes with overflow after the 1st footnote. y Vertical position stored with mk in hdrftrs. +++STRINGS+++ $1ST_LETTER First letter of first arg to LIST $ADJUST_BIB_LEAD 2nd arg to BIBLIOGRAPHY_LEAD; if not blank adjust bib leading $ADJUST_EN_LEAD 2nd arg to ENDNOTE_LEAD; if not blank adjust endnote leading $ADJUST_TOC_LEAD 2nd arg to TOC_LEAD; if not blank adjust toc leading $ATTRIBUTE_COLOR Attribution string color $ATTRIBUTE_STRING Attribution string in doc header $ATTRIBUTE_STRING_COVER Attribution string on cover $ATTRIBUTE_STRING_DOCCOVER Attribution string on doc cover $AUTHOR_<n> Document author(s) $AUTHOR The author, or the first argument passed to .AUTHOR ($AUTHOR_1) $AUTHOR_COLOR Author color $AUTHOR_COVER_<n> Author(s) on cover $AUTHOR_DOCCOVER_<n> Author(s) on doc cover $AUTHOR_FAM Family to use for author in doc header $AUTHOR_FT Font to use for author in doc header $AUTHOR_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of author in doc header $AUTHOR_PT_SIZE Absolute ps of authors $AUTHORS Comma-separated concatenated string of all args passed to .AUTHOR $BIB_FAM Bibliography page family $BIB_FT Bibliography page font $BIB_LEAD Base leading for bibliographies $BIB_LIST_SEPARATOR Separator between enumerator and text when outputting bibliographies in LIST style $BIB_LIST_PREFIX Prefix before enumerator when outputting bibliographies in LIST style $BIB_PN_STYLE Format of bibliography page numbers $BIB_QUAD $BIB_SPACE Post entry space for bibliographies $BIB_STRING Bibliography title string $BIB_STRING_FAM Bib title family $BIB_STRING_FT Bib title font $BIB_STRING_QUAD Bib title quad $BIB_STRING_RULE_GAP Distance between the underscores when BIB_STRING (bib first-page header) is double-underlined $BIB_STRING_SIZE_CHANGE Bib title size (+ or -) $BIB_STRING_UNDERLINE_GAP Distance between BIB_STRING text and (first) underline rule $BQ_LN_GUTTER Gutter between line numbers and bquotes in bquotes $BQUOTE_COLOR Blockquote color $BQUOTE_FAM Family to use for blockquotes $BQUOTE_FT Font to use for blockquotes $BQUOTE_QUAD Quad value for blockquotes $BQUOTE_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of blockquotes $BX_COLOR Box color $BX_DEPTH Box depth $BX_INDENT Box left margin starting position $BX_WEIGHT Box rule weight $BX_WIDTH Box width $CENTER_TITLE What to put in the middle of header title $CH_NUM Chapter number (as a string) $CHAPTER The chapter number $CHAPTER_STRING What to print whenever the word "chapter" is required $CHAPTER_TITLE Concatenated args passed to CHAPTER_TITLE $CHAPTER_TITLE_<n> Chapter title items $CHAPTER_TITLE_FAM Family of chapter title $CHAPTER_TITLE_FT Font of chapter title $CHAPTER_TITLE_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of chapter title $CHAPTER_TITLE_PT_SIZE Absolute ps of chapter title $CHAPTER_TITLE_COLOR Color of chapter title $CL_COLOR Circle (ellipse) color $CL_DEPTH Circle (ellipse) depth $CL_INDENT Circle (ellipse) left margin starting position $CL_WEIGHT Circle (ellipse) rule weight $CL_WIDTH Circle (ellipse) width $CLOSE_INDENT Argument passed to CLOSING_INDENT $CODE_FAM Family to use with CODE $CODE_FT Font to use with CODE $CODE_COLOR Color of CODE $COLOR_SCHEME Color scheme arg passed to NEWCOLOR $COPY_STYLE DRAFT or FINAL $COPYRIGHT Copyright info $COPYRIGHT_COVER Copyright info for cover $COPYRIGHT_DOCCOVER Copyright info for doc cover $COPYRIGHT_FAM Copyright line family $COPYRIGHT_FT Copyright line font $COPYRIGHT_PT_SIZE Base string to which $COPYRIGHT_SIZE_CHANGE is appended $COPYRIGHT_SIZE_CHANGE Copyright line size $COPYRIGHT_COLOR Copyright line color $COPYRIGHT_QUAD Copyright line quad direction $COVER_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR Cover attribution string color $COVER_AUTHOR_COLOR Cover author(s) color $COVER_AUTHOR_FAM Cover author(s) family $COVER_AUTHOR_FT Cover author(s) font $COVER_AUTHOR_PT_SIZE Author point size on cover $COVER_AUTHOR_SIZE_CHANGE Cover author(s) size $COVER_CHAPTER_TITLE_COLOR Color of chapter title on cover $COVER_CHAPTER_TITLE_PT_SIZE Size of chapter title on cover $COVER_COLOR Overall cover color $COVER_COPYRIGHT_PT_SIZE Size of copyright info on cover $COVER_DOCTYPE_PT_SIZE Size of doctype on cover $COVER_FAM Overall cover family $COVER_LEAD_ADJ String appended to DOC_LEAD to arrive at base leading of covers $COVER_SUBTITLE_PT_SIZE Size of subtitle on cover $COVER_TITLE_PT_SIZE Size of title on cover $COVER_TITLE User-defined cover title string $COVER_TITLE_<n> Cover title items $COVER_TITLE_FAM Cover title family $COVER_TITLE_FT Cover title font $COVER_TITLE_SIZE_CHANGE Cover title size $COVER_TITLE_COLOR Cover title color $COVER_UNDERLINE_GAP Distance between baseline of the doctype on covers and the underline $COVER_SUBTITLE_FAM Cover subtitle family $COVER_SUBTITLE_FT Cover subtitle font $COVER_SUBTITLE_SIZE_CHANGE Cover subtitle size $COVER_SUBTITLE_COLOR Cover subtitle color $COVER_DOCTYPE_FAM Cover doctype family $COVER_DOCTYPE_FT Cover doctype font $COVER_DOCTYPE_SIZE_CHANGE Cover doctype size $COVER_DOCTYPE_COLOR Cover doctype color $COVER_COPYRIGHT_FAM Cover copyright family $COVER_COPYRIGHT_FT Cover copyright font $COVER_COPYRIGHT_SIZE_CHANGE Cover copyright size $COVER_COPYRIGHT_COLOR Cover copyright color $COVER_MISC_FAM Cover misc family $COVER_MISC_FT Cover misc font $COVER_MISC_SIZE_CHANGE Cover misc size $COVER_MISC_COLOR Cover misc color $CURRENT_EV \n[.ev] at REF_BRACKETS_START $DC_COLOR Dropcap color $DOC_COVER_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR Doc cover attribution string color $DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_COLOR Doc cover author(s) color $DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_FAM Doc cover author(s) family $DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_FT Doc cover author(s) font $DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_PT_SIZE Size of author on doc cover $DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_SIZE_CHANGE Doc cover author(s) size $DOC_COVER_CHAPTER_TITLE_COLOR Color of chapter title on doc cover $DOC_COVER_CHAPTER_TITLE_PT_SIZE Size of chapter title on doc cover $DOC_COVER_COLOR Overall doc cover color $DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_COLOR Doc cover copyright color $DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_FAM Doc cover copyright family $DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_FT Doc cover copyright font $DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_PT_SIZE Size of copyright info on doc cover $DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_SIZE_CHANGE Doc cover copyright size $DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_COLOR Doc cover doctype color $DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_FAM Doc cover doctype family $DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_FT Doc cover doctype font $DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_PT_SIZE Size of doctype on doc cover $DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_SIZE_CHANGE Doc cover doctype size $DOC_COVER_MISC_COLOR Doc cover misc color $DOC_COVER_MISC_FAM Doc cover misc family $DOC_COVER_MISC_FT Doc cover misc font $DOC_COVER_MISC_SIZE_CHANGE Doc cover misc size $DOC_COVER_FAM Overall doc cover family $DOC_COVER_LEAD_ADJ String appended to DOC_LEAD to arrive at base leading of doc covers $DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_FAM Doc cover subtitle family $DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_FT Doc cover subtitle font $DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_PT_SIZE Size of subtitle on doc cover $DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_SIZE_CHANGE Doc cover subtitle size $DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_COLOR Doc cover subtitle color $DOC_COVER_TITLE User-defined doc cover title string $DOC_COVER_TITLE_<n> Doc cover title items $DOC_COVER_TITLE_COLOR Doc cover title color $DOC_COVER_TITLE_FAM Doc cover title family $DOC_COVER_TITLE_FT Doc cover title font $DOC_COVER_TITLE_PT_SIZE Size of title on doc cover $DOC_COVER_TITLE_SIZE_CHANGE Doc cover title size $DOC_FAM Predominant font family used in the document $DOC_QUAD Quad used for body text (justified or left) $DOC_TITLE Concatenated args passed to DOCTITLE $DOC_TITLE_<n> DOCTITLE items $DOC_TYPE Document type (default, chapter, named, letter) $DOCCOVER_UNDERLINE_GAP Distance between baseline of doctype and the underline on covers $DOCHEADER_COLOR Color of docheader $DOCHEADER_FAM Family used for all parts of the docheader $DOCHEADER_QUAD Quad direction (LRC) of docheader $DOCHEADER_LEAD_ADJ +|- value applied to #DOC_LEAD to in/decrease leading of doc header $DOCTYPE_COLOR Color of DOCTYPE string in doc header $DOCTYPE_FAM Family to use for DOCTYPE string in doc header $DOCTYPE_FT Font to use for DOCTYPE string in doc header $DOCTYPE_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of DOCTYPE string in doc header $DOCTYPE_PT_SIZE Absolute ps of DOCTYPE $DOCTYPE_UNDERLINE_GAP Distance between baseline of DOCTYPE and the underline in doc header $DRAFT The draft number (string valued) $DRAFT_STRING What to print whenever the word "draft" is required EN_MARK Inline, gets #EN_MARK (\(ln) $EN_CLOSE_BRACKET Close bracket for line-number enumerated endnotes $EN_FAMILY Family for endnotes $EN_FT Font for endnotes $EN_LEAD Leading of endnotes pages $EN_LINENUMBER String to print for line-number enumerators in line-numbered endnotes $EN_LN_FAM Family for line-numbers in line-number identified endnotes $EN_LN_FT Font for line-numbers in line-number identified endnotes $EN_LN_GAP Gap to leave in initial endnote lines between line-number identifies and text $EN_LN_SEP User-defined separator to use between line number(s) and endnotes when endnotes are identified by line number $EN_LN_SIZE_CHANGE Size change (+ or -) for line-numbers in line-number identified endnotes $EN_OPEN_BRACKET Open bracket for line-number enumerated endnotes $EN_PN_STYLE Pagenumbering style for endnotes pages $EN_QUAD Quad for endnotes $EN_STRING Endnotes page head $EN_STRING_FAM Endnotes page head family $EN_STRING_FT Endnotes page head font $EN_STRING_QUAD Endnotes page head quad direction $EN_STRING_RULE_GAP Distance between rules when EN_STRING is double-underlined $EN_STRING_UNDERLINE_GAP Distance between baseline of EN_STRING and underline rule $EN_STRING_SIZE_CHANGE Endnotes page head size $EN_TITLE Endnote document identifier $EN_TITLE_FAM Endnote document identifier family $EN_TITLE_FT Endnote document identifier font $EN_TITLE_QUAD Endnote document identifier quad direction $EN_TITLE_SIZE_CHANGE Endnote document identifier size $EN_TITLE_UNDERLINE_GAP Distance between baseline of EN_TITLE and underline rule $EN_NUMBER_FAM Endnote numbering family $EN_NUMBER_FT Endnote numbering font $EN_NUMBER_SIZE_CHANGE Endnote numbering size $EPI_AUTOLEAD Autolead value (decimals ok) of epigraphs $EPI_COLOR Color of epigraphs $EPI_FAM Family to use in epigraphs $EPI_FT Font to use in epigraphs $EPI_OFFSET_VALUE Arg passed to EPIGRAPH_INDENT if the arg has a unit of measure appended to it $EPI_QUAD Quad in block-style epigraphs (justified or left) $EPI_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of epigraphs $EVAL_BIB_SPACE Temporary string to find out if the arg to BIBLIOGRAPHY_SPACING ended in "v" $EVAL_EI_ARG Temporary string to find out whether the arg to EPIGRAPH_INDENT ended with a unit of measure $EVAL_QI_ARG Temporary string to find out whether the arg to QUOTE_INDENT ended with a unit of measure eval*[B Used to get substring of \*([B eval*[S Used to get substring of \*([S eval*[s Used to get substring of \*([s $FINIS_COLOR Color of FINIS string $FINIS_STRING What to print when FINIS macro is invoked FN_MARK Inline, gets #FN_MARK ( \n[ln] ) $FN_CLOSE_BRACKET Close bracket for line-number identified footnotes $FN_FAM Family used in footnotes $FN_FT Font used in footnotes $FN_LINENUMBER String to print before footnotes when line-numbering enabled for footnotes $FN_LN_SEP Separator after line-number identified footnotes $FN_OPEN_BRACKET Open bracket for line-number identified footnotes $FN_QUAD Quad used in footnotes $FN_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of footnotes $FN_SPACE Post footnote space $FOOTNOTE_COLOR Footnote color $FTR_RECTO_QUAD Quad direction of footer recto $FTR_RECTO_STRING String for footer recto $FTR_VERSO_QUAD Quad direction of footer verso $FTR_VERSO_STRING String for footer verso $HDR_RECTO_QUAD Quad of header recto $HDR_RECTO_STRING String for header recto $HDR_VERSO_QUAD Quad of header verso $HDR_VERSO_STRING String for header verso **Note: "header", in the descriptions below, means either headers or footers $HDRFTR_CENTER What to put in CENTER part of headers; default doctype $HDRFTR_CENTER_COLOR Color of CENTER part of headers $HDRFTR_CENTER_FAM Family of CENTER part of headers $HDRFTR_CENTER_FT Font of centre part of headers $HDRFTR_CENTER_NEW HDRFTR_CENTER after the start of TOC; defined in HDRFTR_CENTER if HDRFTR_CENTER is called as FOOTER_CENTER $HDRFTR_CENTER_OLD HDRFTR_CENTER just prior to start of TOC; defined in HDRFTR_CENTER if HDRFTR_CENTER is called as FOOTER_CENTER $HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of centre title in headers $HDRFTR_COLOR Color of headers/footers $HDRFTR_FAM Family to use in headers $HDRFTR_LEFT_COLOR Color of LEFT part of headers $HDRFTR_LEFT_FAM Family of left part of headers $HDRFTR_LEFT_FT Font of left part of headers $HDRFTR_LEFT_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of author in headers $HDRFTR_LEFT What to put in left part of headers; default author $HDRFTR_RIGHT_COLOR Color of RIGHT part of headers $HDRFTR_RIGHT_FAM Family of right part of headers $HDRFTR_RIGHT_FT Font of right part of headers $HDRFTR_RIGHT_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of right part of headers $HDRFTR_RIGHT What to put in right part of headers; default title $HDRFTR_RULE_COLOR Color of header rule $HDRFTR_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of headers $HDRFTR_TMP_SIZE_CHANGE_SWITCH Temporarily holds HDRFTR_LEFT_SIZE_CHANGE if #SWITCH_HDRFTRS=1 $HDRFTR_TMP_SWITCH Temporarily holds HDRFTR_LEFT if #SWITCH_HDRFTRS=1 $HDRFTR_TMP_COLOR_SWITCH Temporarily holds HDRFTR_LEFT_COLOR if #SWITCH_HDRFTRS=1 $HEAD_COLOR Head color $HEAD_FAM Family to use for section titles $HEAD_FT Font to use for section titles $HEAD_QUAD Quad value of section titles $HEAD_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of section titles $HEAD_UNDERLINE_GAP Distance between a head and the underline $HYPHEN Vertically adjusted hyphen used around page numbers $LHS Holds digits on the left side of the decimal in weight arg passed to RULE_WEIGHT $LINEBREAK_CHAR Character that marks line breaks $LINEBREAK_CHAR_V_ADJ +|- amount by which to raise/lower linebreak character $LAST_CHAR Temporary string used to discover whether user has remembered to put a digit after ROMAN or roman in arg to LIST $LINEBREAK_COLOR Linebreak color $LIST_ARG_1 The first arg to LIST (minus digits if ROMAN or roman $LN_COLOR Linenumber color $LN_FAMILY Linenumber family $LN_FONT Linenumber font $LN_GUTTER Gutter to leave between line numbers and text $LN_INC 2nd arg to NUMBER_LINES as a string $LN_NUM 1st arg to NUMBER_LINES as a string $LN_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of linenumbers $MISC_<n> Position of args pass to MISC $MISC_COLOR Misc color $MISC_COVER_<n> Misc items for cover $MISC_DOCCOVER_<n> Misc items for doc cover $MISC_QUAD Misc quad direction $MN-arg<n> Sequentially numbered args passed to MNinit MN-color Color of margin note MN-curr Number of current margin note MN-dir Left or right margin note MN-font Font of margin note MN-left-ad Fill mode of margin note PAGE# For use in hdrftr strings where page # is needed; \*[PAGE] $PAGENUM_COLOR Page number color $PAGENUM_STYLE String passed to PAGENUM_STYLE $PAGE_NUM_FAM Family of page numbers $PAGE_NUM_FT Font of page numbers $PAGE_NUM_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of page numbers $PAPER Paper size (LETTER, A4, LEGAL); default=LETTER $PH_COLOR Parahead color $PH_FAM Parahead family $PH_FT Parahead font $PH_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of paraheads $PH_SPACE Amount of horizontal space between a parahead and the start of paragraph text $PP_FT Font used in paragraphs $RESTORE_PAGENUM_STYLE Hold previous page numbering style $ROMAN_WIDTH<n> The digit(s) appended by user to ROMAN or roman when LIST is invoked $Q_LN_GUTTER Gutter between linenumbers and quotes in quotes $Q_OFFSET_VALUE Arg passed to QUOTE_INDENT if the arg has a unit of measure appended to it $QUOTE_COLOR Quote (poetic) color $QUOTE_FAM Family to use for pquotes $QUOTE_FT Font to use for pquotes $QUOTE_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of pquotes ref*post-punct Final punctuation mark of references ref*spec!<n> Holds fields required by differing reference types ref*string The data passed to a reference $REF_BIB_INDENT 2nd line indent value for references in bibliographies $REF_EN_INDENT 2nd line indent value for references in endnotes $REF_FN_INDENT 2nd line indent value for references in footnotes $REF_STYLE MLA bibliography-style or footnote/endnote style; used in ref*add-<x> $RESTORE_SS_VAR Saves \*[$SS_VAR] for use with ref*build #REVISION The revision number (string valued) $REVISION_STRING What to print whenever the word "revision" is required $RHS Holds digits on the right side of the decimal in weight arg passed to RULE_WEIGHT $RL_COLOR Rule color (DRH/DRV) $RL_DEPTH Rule depth (DRH/DRV) $RL_INDENT Left start position of rule (DRH/DRV) $RL_LENGTH Rule length (DRH/DRV) $RL_WEIGHT Rule weight (DRH/DRV) $SAVED_COPYRIGHT Temporarily holds string in $COPYRIGHT $SAVED_RULE_GAP Temporarily holds string in $RULE_GAP $SAVED_PP_FT $PP_FT in effect at start of .COLLATE; tested for and removed in .PP $SH_FAM Family to use in subheads $SH_FT Font to use in subheads $SH_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of subheads $SH_COLOR Subhead color $SIG_SPACE Arg passed to macro, SIGNATURE_SPACE $SUBTITLE Concatenated args passed to SUBTITLE $SUBTITLE_<n> Subtitle items for doc header $SUBTITLE_COLOR Color of subtitle $SUBTITLE_COVER_<n> Subtitle items for cover $SUBTITLE_DOCCOVER_<n> Subtitle items for doc cover $SUBTITLE_FAM Family to use for subtitle in doc header $SUBTITLE_FT Font to use for subtitle in doc header $SUBTITLE_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of subtitle $SUBTITLE_PT_SIZE Absolute ps of subtitle $SUITE The #SUITE number register $TITLE Concatenated args pass to TITLE $TITLE_<n> Title items $TITLE_COLOR Color of title $TITLE_FAM Family to use for title in doc header $TITLE_FT Font to use for title in doc header $TITLE_PT_SIZE Absolute point size of title in docheader $TITLE_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of title in doc header $TOC_AUTHORS What to print after toc doc title entry if #TOC_AUTHORS=1 $TOC_FAM Family to use on toc pages $TOC_HEAD_FAM Family of toc head entries $TOC_HEAD_FT Font of toc head entries $TOC_HEAD_ITEM A head as collected for TOC_ENTRIES $TOC_HEADER_FAM Family to use for "Contents" $TOC_HEADER_FT Font to use for "Contents" $TOC_HEADER_QUAD Quad direction of "Contents" $TOC_HEADER_SIZE ps in/decrease of "Contents"**** $TOC_HEADER_STRING Header string of first toc page $TOC_LEAD Leading of toc pages $TOC_PH_ITEM Toc parahead entry $TOC_PN Sets up toc leaders + entry pn (typeset) $TOC_PN_FAM Family for toc entries page numbers $TOC_PN_FT Font for toc entries page numbers $TOC_PN_SIZE_CHANGE ps in/decrease of toc entries page numbers $TOC_PN_STYLE Page-numbering style of toc pages $TOC_PN_TYPEWRITE Sets up toc leaders + entry pn (typewrite) $TOC_PH_FAM Family of toc parahead entries $TOC_PH_FT Font of toc parahead entries $TOC_PARAHEAD_ITEM A parahead collected for TOC_ENTRIES $TOC_SH_FAM Family of toc subhead entries $TOC_SH_FT Font of toc subhead entries $TOC_SH_ITEM A subhead collected for TOC_ENTRIES $TOC_TITLE_FAM Family of toc doc title entries $TOC_TITLE_FT Font of toc doc title entries $TOC_TITLE_ITEM Toc document title item $USER_SET_TITLE_ITEM User defined toc doc title entry as set by TOC_TITLE_ENTRY $UR_PAGINATION_STYLE Pagination style prior to endnotes $USERDEF_HDRFTR_RECTO User defined header/footer recto string $USERDEF_HDRFTR_VERSO User defined header/footer verso string +++PREPROCESSOR KEYWORDS+++ (eqn) EQ EN (grn) GS GE GF (pic) PS PE (refer) R1 R2 [ ] (tbl) TS TE TH (grap) G1 G2 (ideal) IS IE (chem) cstart cend +++ALIASES+++ Please note: Prior to version 1.1.9, all macros that included the word COLOR had aliases that used COLOUR instead. This convenience has now been removed, in an effort to reduce the size of the om.tmac file. Furthermore, if you want the convenience, you'll have to edit the om.tmac file. Simply aliasing, say, HEAD_COLOR as HEAD_COLOUR will not work, owing to significant changes in the handling of docelement control macros that end in _COLOR. +++These aliases are for convenience, and header/footer management+++ BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_UNDERSCORE BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_UNDERLINE BREAK_BLOCKQUOTE BREAK_QUOTE BREAK_CITATION BREAK_QUOTE BREAK_CITE BREAK_QUOTE CITATION BLOCKQUOTE CITE BLOCKQUOTE COL_BREAK COL_NEXT DOC_FAM DOC_FAMILY DOC_L_LENGTH DOC_LINE_LENGTH DOC_L_LENGTH DOC_LINE_LENGTH DOC_L_MARGIN DOC_LEFT_MARGIN DOC_L_MARGIN DOC_LEFT_MARGIN DOC_LS DOC_LEAD DOC_PS DOC_PT_SIZE DOC_R_MARGIN DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN DOC_R_MARGIN DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERSCORE ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERLINE ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERLINE FOOTER_CENTER_CAPS HDRFTR_CENTER_CAPS FOOTER_CENTER HDRFTR_CENTER FOOTER_CENTRE_CAPS HDRFTR_CENTER_CAPS FOOTER_CENTRE HDRFTR_CENTER FOOTER_LEFT_CAPS HDRFTR_LEFT_CAPS FOOTER_LEFT HDRFTR_LEFT FOOTER_PLAIN HDRFTR_PLAIN FOOTER_RECTO HDRFTR_RECTO FOOTER_RIGHT_CAPS HDRFTR_RIGHT_CAPS FOOTER_RIGHT HDRFTR_RIGHT FOOTER_RULE_GAP HDRFTR_RULE_GAP FOOTER_RULE HDRFTR_RULE FOOTER_VERSO HDRFTR_VERSO HDRFTR_RULE_INTERNAL HDRFTR_RULE HEADER_CENTER_CAPS HDRFTR_CENTER_CAPS HEADER_CENTER HDRFTR_CENTER HEADER_CENTRE_CAPS HDRFTR_CENTER_CAPS HEADER_CENTRE HDRFTR_CENTER HEADER_LEFT_CAPS HDRFTR_LEFT_CAPS HEADER_LEFT HDRFTR_LEFT HEADER_PLAIN HDRFTR_PLAIN HEADER_RECTO HDRFTR_RECTO HEADER_RIGHT_CAPS HDRFTR_RIGHT_CAPS HEADER_RIGHT HDRFTR_RIGHT HEADER_RULE_GAP HDRFTR_RULE_GAP HEADER_RULE HDRFTR_RULE HEADER_VERSO HDRFTR_VERSO PAGENUM PAGENUMBER PAGINATION PAGINATE PP_FT PP_FONT PRINT_FOOTNOTE_RULE FOOTNOTE_RULE SWITCH_FOOTERS SWITCH_HDRFTR SWITCH_HEADERS SWITCH_HDRFTR TOC_LS TOC_LEAD TOC_PS TOC_PT_SIZE +++These aliases are used for docelement type-style control+++ AUTHOR_FAMILY _FAMILY AUTHOR_FONT _FONT AUTHOR_SIZE _SIZE BIBLIOGRAPHY_FAMILY _FAMILY BIBLIOGRAPHY_FONT _FONT BIBLIOGRAPHY_FOOTER_CENTER BIBLIOGRAPHY_HDRFTR_CENTER BIBLIOGRAPHY_FOOTER_CENTRE BIBLIOGRAPHY_HDRFTR_CENTRE BIBLIOGRAPHY_HEADER_CENTER BIBLIOGRAPHY_HDRFTR_CENTER BIBLIOGRAPHY_HEADER_CENTRE BIBLIOGRAPHY_HDRFTR_CENTRE BIBLIOGRAPHY_QUAD _QUAD BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_FAMILY _FAMILY BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_FONT _FONT BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_QUAD _QUAD BIBLIOGRAPHY_STRING_SIZE _SIZE BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD Q_AUTOLEAD BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD QUOTE_AUTOLEAD BLOCKQUOTE_COLOR _COLOR BLOCKQUOTE_FAMILY _FAMILY BLOCKQUOTE_FONT _FONT BLOCKQUOTE_QUAD _QUAD BLOCKQUOTE_SIZE _SIZE CHAPTER_TITLE_COLOR _COLOR CHAPTER_TITLE_FAMILY _FAMILY CHAPTER_TITLE_FONT _FONT CHAPTER_TITLE_SIZE _SIZE COVER_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR _COLOR COVER_AUTHOR_COLOR _COLOR COVER_AUTHOR_FAMILY _FAMILY COVER_AUTHOR_FONT _FONT COVER_AUTHOR_SIZE _SIZE COVER_COLOR _COLOR COVER_COPYRIGHT_COLOR _COLOR COVER_COPYRIGHT_FAMILY _FAMILY COVER_COPYRIGHT_FONT _FONT COVER_COPYRIGHT_QUAD _QUAD COVER_COPYRIGHT_SIZE _SIZE COVER_DOCTYPE_COLOR _COLOR COVER_DOCTYPE_FAMILY _FAMILY COVER_DOCTYPE_FONT _FONT COVER_DOCTYPE_SIZE _SIZE COVER_FAMILY _FAMILY COVER_MISC_COLOR _COLOR COVER_MISC_QUAD _QUAD COVER_SUBTITLE_COLOR _COLOR COVER_SUBTITLE_FAMILY _FAMILY COVER_SUBTITLE_FONT _FONT COVER_SUBTITLE_SIZE _SIZE COVER_TITLE_COLOR _COLOR COVER_TITLE_FAMILY _FAMILY COVER_TITLE_FONT _FONT COVER_TITLE_SIZE _SIZE DOC_COVER_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR _COLOR DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_COLOR _COLOR DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_FAMILY _FAMILY DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_FONT _FONT DOC_COVER_AUTHOR_SIZE _SIZE DOC_COVER_COLOR _COLOR DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_COLOR _COLOR DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_FAMILY _FAMILY DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_FONT _FONT DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_QUAD _QUAD DOC_COVER_COPYRIGHT_SIZE _SIZE DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_COLOR _COLOR DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_FAMILY _FAMILY DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_FONT _FONT DOC_COVER_DOCTYPE_SIZE _SIZE DOC_COVER_FAMILY _FAMILY DOC_COVER_MISC_COLOR _COLOR DOC_COVER_MISC_QUAD _QUAD DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_COLOR _COLOR DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_FAMILY _FAMILY DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_FONT _FONT DOC_COVER_SUBTITLE_SIZE _SIZE DOC_COVER_TITLE_COLOR _COLOR DOC_COVER_TITLE_FAMILY _FAMILY DOC_COVER_TITLE_FONT _FONT DOC_COVER_TITLE_SIZE _SIZE DOCHEADER_COLOR _COLOR DOCHEADER_FAMILY _FAMILY DOCHEADER_QUAD _QUAD DOC_QUAD _QUAD DOCTYPE_FAMILY _FAMILY DOCTYPE_FONT _FONT DOCTYPE_SIZE _SIZE ENDNOTE_BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD Q_AUTOLEAD ENDNOTE_BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD QUOTE_AUTOLEAD ENDNOTE_FAMILY _FAMILY ENDNOTE_FONT _FONT ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_FAMILY _FAMILY ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_FONT _FONT ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_SIZE _SIZE ENDNOTE_NUMBER_FAMILY _FAMILY ENDNOTE_NUMBER_FONT _FONT ENDNOTE_NUMBER_SIZE _SIZE ENDNOTE_QUAD _QUAD ENDNOTE_QUOTE_AUTLOEAD Q_AUTOLEAD ENDNOTE_QUOTE_AUTOLEAD QUOTE_AUTOLEAD ENDNOTE_STRING_FAMILY _FAMILY ENDNOTE_STRING_FONT _FONT ENDNOTE_STRING_QUAD _QUAD ENDNOTE_STRING_SIZE _SIZE ENDNOTE_TITLE_FAMILY _FAMILY ENDNOTE_TITLE_FONT _FONT ENDNOTE_TITLE_QUAD _QUAD ENDNOTE_TITLE_SIZE _SIZE EPIGRAPH_COLOR _COLOR EPIGRAPH_FAMILY _FAMILY EPIGRAPH_FONT _FONT EPIGRAPH_QUAD _QUAD EPIGRAPH_SIZE _SIZE FINIS_COLOR _COLOR FOOTNOTE_COLOR _COLOR FOOTNOTE_FAMILY _FAMILY FOOTNOTE_FONT _FONT FOOTNOTE_QUAD _QUAD FOOTNOTE_SIZE _SIZE HDRFTR_CENTER_FAMILY _FAMILY HDRFTR_CENTER_FONT _FONT HDRFTR_CENTER_SIZE _SIZE HDRFTR_COLOR _COLOR HDRFTR_FAMILY _FAMILY HDRFTR_LEFT_FAMILY _FAMILY HDRFTR_LEFT_FONT _FONT HDRFTR_LEFT_SIZE _SIZE HDRFTR_RIGHT_FAMILY _FAMILY HDRFTR_RIGHT_FONT _FONT HDRFTR_RIGHT_SIZE _SIZE HDRFTR_RULE_COLOR _COLOR HDRFTR_SIZE _SIZE HEAD_COLOR _COLOR HEAD_FAMILY _FAMILY HEAD_FONT _FONT HEAD_QUAD _QUAD HEAD_SIZE _SIZE LINEBREAK_COLOR _COLOR LINENUMBER_FAMILY _COLOR LINENUMBER_FONT _COLOR LINENUMBER_SIZE _COLOR LINENUMBER_COLOR _COLOR MISC_COLOR _COLOR MISC_QUAD _QUAD PAGENUM_COLOR _COLOR PAGENUM_FAMILY _FAMILY PAGENUM_FONT _FONT PARAHEAD_COLOR _COLOR PARAHEAD_FAMILY _FAMILY PARAHEAD_FONT _FONT PARAHEAD_SIZE _SIZE QUOTE_COLOR _COLOR QUOTE_FAMILY _FAMILY QUOTE_FONT _FONT QUOTE_INDENT _INDENT QUOTE_SIZE _SIZE REF_INDENT INDENT_REFS REF) REF_BRACKETS_END REF] REF_BRACKETS_END REF} REF_BRACKETS_END REF( REF_BRACKETS_START REF[ REF_BRACKETS_START REF{ REF_BRACKETS_START SUBHEAD_COLOR _COLOR 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