Implement the rest of the mountable GDaemonFile ops: unmount_mountable eject_mountable implement readahead in GVFSReadStream, time difference implement seek & truncate implement get_file_info for GFileInputStreamDaemon, needs marshalling attributes over custom protocol finish implementing copy progress callbacks implement stuff in GDaemonVolume / GDaemonVolumeMonitor convert GDaemonFiles to fuse paths on request detect fuse paths and reverse map back to GDaemonFile remove owners from bus_name_map when they fail smb support for smbc_getxattr! smb - handle server going down add trash:/// support decide exactly how to handle not-mounted errors and make sure its consistent. mount daemons should re-register when new owner for vfs daemon. Make built-in uri parsers link into gvfs shared lib instead of using a module (smb is a shared lib atm to make sure that works) Implement GFileCreateFlags in backends as possible