$Id: README.panasonic 9296 2006-10-07 13:52:32Z hun $ Overview -------- This directory contains Panasonic PV-DC1000 and PV-DC1580 gPhoto libraries. In Europe, these models are known as NV-DC1000 and NV-DC1580 respectively. To avoid confusion we simply write DC1000 and DC1580. Both libraries are based on dc1000 utility, written by Fredrik Roubert and Galen Brooks. Despite similarities in the two protocols there are two separate libraries, for DC1000 and DC1580 models respectively. From the source code of Michael McCormack's Nikon CoolPix 600 library for gPhoto1 it follows that DC1580 and Nikon CP 600 use the same protocol. As of 28-th July, there are no reports if this Nikon model works or not with DC1580 library. Copyright --------- Copyright © 2000 Mariusz Zynel <mariusz@mizar.org> (gPhoto port) Copyright © 2000 Fredrik Roubert <roubert@df.lth.se> (idea) Copyright © 1999 Galen Brooks <galen@nine.com> (DC1580 code) Changes ------- * 18 September, 2001 - get rid of gp_port_(new|open|close|free) - adapted to use filesystem provided in core * 5 August, 2000 - filename based communication between library and core - abilities accomodated to the new API * 28 July, 2000 - added library for DC1000 series - debugging messages revised - new debug and error reporting functions - incremental image downloading support added * 21 July, 2000 - image uploading function added - Nikon CoolPix 600 added as it uses the same protocol as DC1580 * 15 July, 2000 - introduction of Panasonic library in gPhoto2 To be done ---------- * Test DC1000 model. * Setting the time and date of camera. * Writing manual. Contact ------- * Mariusz Zynel - mariusz@mizar.org, mariusz@math.uwb.edu.pl * Fredrik Roubert -roubert@df.lth.se * Galen Brooks - galen@nine.com References ---------- * gPhoto web pages: http://www.gphoto.org http://www.gphoto.com http://gphoto.sourceforge.net/ * dc1000 web page: http://www.df.lth.se/~roubert/dc1000/ * Panasonic DC1000 PalmCam communication protocol: http://pelletiernet.com/PalmCam/PalmCam-Protocol.html