o Do we need to check for memcpy (), memset (), ... ?? o Does Win* have unlink () ?? Better to remove() ?? o Should I be opening files with "rb" & "wb" - check! o crop, width, height, etc. tests for bitmaps o further tests for division by zero o Add a dpi option in wmf_eps_t struct ?? o eps,gd,x: bmp_draw ignores bitmap type o -geometry option to wmf2x doesn't work properly; ditch position ?? o Does that (X) flood fill function really work? o What is the proper order of x & y coordinates in lists of points in *poly* ?? o Check mismatch in DIBSTRETCHBLT/crop o Need to check use of font map options o in player/dc.h, pointers set up to default brush/pen/font; are these over-written ?? o reset bounding box before play ?? (in which case, need to remove SCAN() qualifies around registration...) o what is opacity for non-32bit bitmaps? assuming 0xff, but maybe 0x00 ?? o xwmf in official libwmf tree: (a) renders test11.wmf incorrectly o (b) angles text the wrong way o scaling of pattern brush? - multiply imaging is possible but potentially expensive... PS forms ?? o I'm uncertain about the eps arc-draw functions... Does anyone have an elliptic pie-chart ?? o char width calcs using wmf_D_Coord_translate need to translate origin as well! - check - why not just multiply by pixel_width? or have official scale function... o finish eps,gd text: need underline (& strikethrough ?? (& ... ??)) o eps,gd,x: ROP ?? o eps fill transparency/color gets trashed on x86 - this seems to be a problem with ghostscript... ... but what to do about it? o gd,eps,x: Has the rounded rectangle been implemented ?? o gd,eps,x: PS_INSIDE_FRAME - How to implement this (see gdwmfapi.c...) o gd,eps,x: drawpixel implementations aren't scaling... o add wmf_attach () & wmf_detach () functions for inserting/removing memory from libwmf MM array ?? o add WMF_SCAN_HEADER option ?? not sure this is a valid test. Why not do a full scan? o original libwmf: gd_draw_rectangle uses height instead of width? o with arcs, if start and end points the same then the player should request an ellipse, *not* an arc o x: use of unqualified arrays is perhaps dangerous ?? o x: flood fill o x,gd: angled text: I'm not entirely convinced about this; - also, bounding box may be at wrong angle... - in fact, bad assumption here: what references WMF_TEXT_ANGLE that shouldn't ?? o gd: background colour is black instead of white?