## ObjectStore completely refactored All functionality is documented in detail here. If you need a more in-depth look, most of the source code is commented and has docblocks for each method. ## Renamed service methods Factory methods in `OpenCloud\OpenStack` have been upgraded for greater consistency. The full range are: ### OpenStack services - `objectStoreService` - `computeService` - `orchestrationService` - `volumeService` ### Rackspace services - `databaseService` - `loadBalancerService` - `dnsService` - `cloudMonitoringService` - `autoscaleService` - `queuesService` The arguments remain the same ## HTTP stuff - Issuing HTTP requests are now a breeze: you can piggy-back off Guzzle\Http and issue your own requests if you so wish. For a full overview, please see the [official documentation](http://guzzlephp.org). ## Misc changes - URLs are no longer returned as strings, but rather as `Guzzle\Http\Url` objects. To get a string representation, you can cast the object as a string: `(string) $url` - The models of most services have had minor changes to their namespaces - which shouldn't matter if you've used the convenience methods in the past. So a server, for example, is now `OpenCloud\Compute\Resource\Server`.