# Limits ## Setup Limit methods will be called on the DNS service, an instance of `OpenCloud\DNS\Service`. Please see the [DNS service](Service.md) documentation for setup instructions. ## List all limits This call provides a list of all applicable limits for the specified account. ```php $limits = $service->limits(); ``` ### Absolute limits There are some absolute limits imposed on your account - such as how many domains you can create and how many records you can create for each domain: ```php $absoluteLimits = $limits->absolute; # Domain limit echo $absoluteLimits->domains; # Record limit per domain echo $absoluteLimits->{'records per domain'}; ``` ## List limit types To find out the different limit types you can query, run: ```php $limitTypes = $service->limitTypes(); ``` will return: ``` array(3) { [0] => string(10) "RATE_LIMIT" [1] => string(12) "DOMAIN_LIMIT" [2] => string(19) "DOMAIN_RECORD_LIMIT" } ``` ## Query a specific limit ```php $limit = $service->limits('DOMAIN_LIMIT'); echo $limit->absolute->limits->value; >>> 500 ```