# Reverse DNS DNS usually determines an IP address associated with a domain name. Reverse DNS is the opposite process: resolving a domain name from an IP address. This is usually achieved with a domain name pointer. ## Get PTR record PTR records refer to a parent device: either a Cloud Server or a Cloud Load Balancer with a public virtual IP address. You must supply a fully formed resource object in order to retrieve either one's PTR record: ```php /** @param $parent OpenCloud\DNS\Resource\HasPtrRecordsInterface */ $ptr = $service->ptrRecord(array( 'parent' => $parent )); ``` So, in the above example, a `$parent` could be an instance of `OpenCloud\Compute\Resource\Server` or `OpenCloud\LoadBalancer\Resource\LoadBalancer` - because they both implement `OpenCloud\DNS\Resource\HadPtrRecordsInterface`. Please consult the [server documentation](../Compute/Server.md) and [load balancer documentation](../LoadBalancer/USERGUIDE.md) for more detailed usage instructions. ## List PTR records ```php /** @param $parent OpenCloud\DNS\Resource\HasPtrRecordsInterface */ $ptrRecords = $service->ptrRecordList($parent); foreach ($ptrRecords as $ptrRecord) { } ``` Please consult the [iterator documentation](docs/userguide/Iterators.md) for more information about iterators. ## Add PTR record ```php $parent = $computeService->server('foo-server-id'); $ptr = $dnsService->ptrRecord(array( 'parent' => $parent, 'ttl' => 3600, 'name' => 'example.com', 'type' => 'PTR', 'data' => '' )); $ptr->create(); ``` Here is a table that explains the above attributes: Name|Description|Required ---|---|--- type|Specifies the record type as "PTR".|Yes name|Specifies the name for the domain or subdomain. Must be a valid domain name.|Yes data|The data field for PTR records must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 IP address.|Yes ttl|If specified, must be greater than 300. Defaults to 3600 if no TTL is specified.|No comment|If included, its length must be less than or equal to 160 characters.|No ## Modify PTR record ```php $ptr->update(array( 'ttl' => $ptr->ttl * 2 )); ``` ## Delete PTR record ```php $ptr->delete(); ```