# Tokens ## Intro A token is an opaque string that represents an authorization to access cloud resources. Tokens may be revoked at any time and are valid for a finite duration. ## Setup Token objects are instantiated from the Identity service. For more details, see the [Service](Service.md) docs. ## Useful object properties/methods Property|Description|Getter|Setter ---|---|---|--- id|The unique ID of the token|`getId()`|`setId()` expires|Timestamp of when the token will expire|`getExpires()` or `hasExpired()`|`setExpires()` ## Create token (authenticate) In order to generate a token, you must pass in the JSON template that is sent to the API. This is because Rackspace's operation expects a slightly different entity body than OpenStack Keystone. Request body for Rackspace's generate token operation: ```json { "auth": { "RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials": { "username": "foo", "apiKey": "aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-12345678" }, "tenantId": "1100111" } } ``` Request body for Keystone's generate token operation: ```json { "auth": { "passwordCredentials":{ "username":"demoauthor", "password":"theUsersPassword" }, "tenantId": "12345678" } } ``` The only real differences you'll notice is the name of the object key (`RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials`/`passwordCredentials`) and the secret (`apiKey`/`password`). The `tenantId` property in both templates are optional. You can also add `tenantName` too. ```php use OpenCloud\Common\Http\Message\Formatter; $template = sprintf( '{"auth": {"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials":{"username": "%s", "apiKey": "%s"}}}', 'my_username', 'my_api_key' ); $response = $service->generateToken($template); $body = Formatter::decode($response); // service catalog $catalog = $body->access->serviceCatalog; // token $token = $body->access->token; // user $user = $body->access->user; ``` As you will notice, these variables will be stdClass objects - for fully fledged functionality, let the client authenticate by itself because it ends up stocking the necessary models for you. To see the response body structure, consult the [official docs](http://docs.rackspace.com/auth/api/v2.0/auth-client-devguide/content/POST_authenticate_v2.0_tokens_Token_Calls.html). ## Revoke token (destroy session) ```php $tokenId = '1234567'; $service->revokeToken($tokenId); ```