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Debian Python Policy
Chapter 1 - On the move to Python 3

Debian currently supports two Python stacks, one for Python 2 and one for Python 3. The long term goal for Debian is to reduce this to one stack, dropping the Python 2 stack at some time. PEP 404 states that no more major Python 2 releases are planned, although the last released major version 2.7 will see some extended support, documented in PEP 466.

Packages in Debian should use Python 3 if Python 3 is supported. New packages should use Python 3 from the initial upload, new upstream versions for existing packages should use Python 3 if the new upstream version supports it.

  1. Programs should use Python 3, and should not be packaged for Python 2 as well. Python 3 should be used for the packaging if the packaging scripts use Python.

  1. Python libraries should be always packaged for Python 3 if supported. Python 2 libraries should be packaged, if applications found in the reverse dependencies are not yet supported by Python 3.

  1. Existing Python 2 libraries should not be dropped before the last reverse dependency is removed.

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Debian Python Policy


Neil Schemenauer mailto:nas@debian.org
Matthias Klose mailto:doko@debian.org
Gregor Hoffleit mailto:flight@debian.org
Josselin Mouette mailto:joss@debian.org
Joe Wreschnig mailto:piman@debian.org
Loïc Minier mailto:lool@debian.org
Scott Kitterman mailto:scott@kitterman.com
Barry Warsaw mailto:barry@debian.org