ADDITIONAL SCRIPTS FOR TEX4HT (from package version 20011214-1, revised for v.20050331.2350) The translation of a TeX or LaTeX source file to HTML is usually done with one of the scripts 'htlatex' or 'httex', which take care of running tex/latex with the tex4ht.sty and other macro files, and of running the tex4ht program and t4ht post-processor to generate the HTML, CSS and other required files. A variety of such scripts is provided with the tex4ht package, for generating specific formats such as MathML or XHTML etc. These scripts are in a subdirectory bin/unix of the source package, and in addition a file mkht-scripts.4ht is provided, that can be used with the tex4ht upstream author's own ProTeX macros to regenerate scripts for Unix or Windows systems. From v.20011214-1, the main shell scripts (httex, htlatex and httexi) are provided in the usual /usr/bin directory. The full range of other scripts provided with the package are stored separately, in /usr/share/tex4ht, so as not to conflict with any scripts or programs of the same names that might belong in other Debian packages. From version 20050216 onwards, the same command *names* cna be used as arguments to a portmanteau script mk4ht which is placed in the /usr/bin directory. For versions 20011214-1 to 20021008-1, these scripts were generated within the source package from a modified version of mkht-scripts.4ht. From v.20030426-1, the scripts provided with the upstream package are modified for the Debian system and used directly rather than being generated by the source package: this avoids the Build-Depends on tetex-bin, and means that the ProTeX macro files are no longer added to the source package. The Debian versions of the scripts all set the PATH environment variable at their start, to find the other scripts in /usr/share/tex4ht, if not already set. Scripts from /usr/share/tex4ht should not normally have to be called directly, although they can be if needed. From v.20010309-3, the ht script is renamed to tex4ht-ht and uses the update-alternatives system, to avoid a conflict with the ht script in the Debian package 'ht'. From v.20050402.1817-2 the above altrnatives mechanism is being undone for a number of reasons (see Debian Bug #303658). Andrew Gray Fri, 2 May 2003 22:32:40 +0100 Kapil Paranjape Sun, 1 May 2005 09:15:53 -0700