Installation ************ Your TeX installation should already contain a version of Eplain (`eplain.tex') in its main `texmf' tree (usually under `/usr/share/texmf/tex/eplain/' on Unix systems). To install a newer version of Eplain, put the new `eplain.tex' (included in Eplain distributions) in the `tex/eplain/' subdirectory of your local `texmf' tree. The newer version you install in the local tree should override the older one in the main tree. The location of the local `texmf' tree obviously depends on your operating system and TeX installation. On Unix systems the usual location is `/usr/local/share/texmf/'. If you don't have write permissions for `/usr/local/share/texmf/', many installations read the `texmf' tree in the user's home directory; `eplain.tex' then should go under `~/texmf/tex/eplain/'. For more information about TeX directory structure, please see `'. If you prefer to install `eplain.tex' in a non-standard place, set an environment variable (`TEXINPUTS' for the Web2C port of TeX to Unix) to tell TeX how to find it. If you want, you can also create a format (`.fmt') file for Eplain, which will eliminate the time spent reading the macro source file with `\input'. You do this by issuing a sequence of Unix commands something like this: prompt$ touch eplain.aux prompt$ initex This is TeX, ... **&plain eplain (eplain.tex) *\dump ... MESSAGES ... You must make sure that `eplain.aux' exists _before_ you run `initex'; otherwise, warning messages about undefined labels will never be issued. You then have to install the resulting `eplain.fmt' in your local `texmf' tree or set an environment variable to tell TeX how to find it. For the Web2C port of TeX to Unix, format files are usually installed under `/usr/local/share/texmf/web2c/' or `/var/lib/texmf/web2c/'; the environment variable is `TEXFORMATS'.