% % katalog2.lh % %% Cyrillic font container with T2 encoding beta-support % % This file is future part of lxfonts package % Version 3.4 // Patchlevel=1 % (c) O.Lapko % % This package belongs to the public domain under conditions similar to % those of D. E. Knuth specified for the Computer Modern family of fonts. % In particular, only the authors are entitled to modify this file % and to save it under the same name. % % Content: % % Input TeX file for creation of Katalog for CM-like-encoded fonts % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \FontPage{\fontii ssq8} \FontPage{\fontii ssqi8} \FontPage{\fontii dunh10} \FontPage{\fontii fib8} \FontPage{\fontii ff10} \FontPage{\fontii fi10}