Package bxucs bxucs.sty, bxutf8.def Description: Simple Unicode support to use with TrueType fonts Example with 'Charis SIL' 1. Name the family and font base name. - Here I use 'fsch' and 'zfsch' 2. Setup this family for some ordinary TeX encoding (say T1). - (Ex) Generate zfschr8t.tfm by: ttf2tfm CharisSILR.ttf zfschr@TeXStd@.tfm - Make t1fsch.fd as follows: \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{fsch}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{fsch}{m}{n}{<->zfschr8t}{} 3. Setup this family for Unicode-subfont (USF) encoding. - Generate USF-encoding TFMs: ttf2tfm CharisSILR.ttf zfschr9u-@Unicode@.tfm - Note the valid UCS-row range: 00-05,1D-1E,20-25,27,2C,A7,F1-F3,FB,FE-FF - Make a special FD file for USF-encoding: \USFDeclareFontShape{fsch}{00-05,1D-1E,20-25,27,2C,A7,F1-F3,FB,FE-FF}{ \USFShape{m}{n}{<->zfschr9z-#1}{} } bxutf8.def: -> \bxus@uc bxutf8s.def: -> / \bxus@uc \bxus@uc utf8 - bxucs - otf utf8 - bxucs - otf