###################################################### # # This is file `foilhtml.perl', # generated with the docstrip utility. # # Copyright Boris Veytsman 1998 # # You are *not* allowed to modify this file. # # You are *not* allowed to distribute this file. # For distribution of the original source see # the terms for copying and modification in the file # foilhtml.dtx # $FOILHEADLEVEL = 4 unless defined($FOILHEADLEVEL); %section_commands=('foilhead',$FOILHEADLEVEL, 'rotatefoilhead',$FOILHEADLEVEL,%section_commands); %new_section_headings = ('foilhead', 'H1','rotatefoilhead','H1'); &generate_new_sectioning_subs; sub generate_new_sectioning_subs{ local($key, $val); while ( ($key, $val) = each %new_section_headings) { eval "sub do_cmd_$key {" . 'local($after) = @_;' . '&do_cmd_section_helper(' . $val . ');}'; %section_commands=($key,$val,%section_commands); } }; $FOILCLASS = 'article' unless defined $FOILCLASS; $FOILOPTIONS = '10pt' unless defined $FOILOPTIONS; sub make_latex{ # This is the environment in which to process constructs that cannot be # translated to HTML. # The environment tex2html_wrap will be wrapped around any shorthand # environments (e.g. $, \(, \[). # The tex2html_wrap environment will be treated as an unrecognised # evironment by the translator and its contents (i.e. the 'shorthand' # environment) will be passed to latex for processing as usual. local($contents) = @_; local($preamble) = $preamble; # Make the @ character a normal letter ... $preamble =~ s/\\documentclass.*/ \\documentclass\[$FOILOPTIONS\]{$FOILCLASS}\\makeatletter/; # ... and make it special again after the preamble ($DEBUG ? "\\nonstopmode" : "\\batchmode") . "\n$preamble\n\\makeatother\n" . "\\newenvironment{tex2html_wrap}{}{}\n" . "\\newwrite\\lthtmlwrite\n" . "\\def\\lthtmltypeout#1%\n" . "{{\\let\\protect\\string\\immediate\\write\\lthtmlwrite{#1}}}%\n" . "\\newbox\\sizebox\n" . # "\\textheight 250cm\n" . "\\begin{document}\n" . "\\pagestyle{empty}\n" . "$contents\n". "\\end{document}"; } &ignore_commands( <<_IGNORED_CMDS_); portraitfoils lanscapefoils MyLogo # {} Restriction # {} LogoOff LogoOn rightfooter # {} rightheader # {} leftheader # {} newnonfloat #{} #{} foilheadskip # &ignore_numeric_argument abovefloatskip # &ignore_numeric_argument captionwidth # &ignore_numeric_argument titleauthorskip # &ignore_numeric_argument authorauthorskip # &ignore_numeric_argument authordateskip # &ignore_numeric_argument dateabstractskip # &ignore_numeric_argument zerolistvertdimens _IGNORED_CMDS_ 1; # This should be the last line