The goal of this package is the simplest possible provision of map images (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps and Google Street View are supported). In the simplest case, the specification of an address is sufficient. The package loads the map using the \write18 feature, which you must activate to use this package. The image will be downloaded by an external Lua script. You can use this script also from the command line. License: LPPL Changes in v1.8: - added support for long routes by the gps2gps mode (getmapdl.lua) Long routes might be defined by several thousands of way points. Encoding these into a encoded polyline would hugely exceed the URL length limit of 2048 bytes. The gps2gps mode allows you to reduce the number of gps coordinates based on a given bound. - added multi route support for gps2epl mode - updated documentation INSTALL =========== First of all, install the package with the package manager of your TeX distribution, if possible! A getmap package is available for TeXLive2014+ and MiKTeX! Manual installation: download getmap.dtx and makefile (Linux) or install.bat (Windows) * Linux simply run make to extract the files and to create the documentation. Run sudo make install to copy the files into $TEXMFLOCAL Moreover, there are the following usefull make targets: uninstall deletes the package in $TEXMFOCAL package only extracts the files clean cleans all aux files cleanall cleans all files except the downloaded files * Windows In MiKTeX scripts like getmapdl.lua must be registered. This can not be done manually! Please use the package manager to install getmap. For TeXLive simply run install.bat! It assumes that you use a standard installation of TeXLive2014. Otherwise you must adjust the variables in the first lines of install.bat!