This is the README file relative to package imakeidx version 1.3a dated 11 July 2013. Copyright 2010-2013 by Enrico Gregorio The bundle contains the files: README this file imakeidx.dtx the documented source TeX file manifest.txt legalese information. WARNING: the derived files: imakeidx.sty the package itself imakeidx.pdf the documentation file in PDF format are SIMULTANEOUSLY produced while running pdflatex on imakeidx.dtx. The bundle is distributed under the LPPL license version 1.3c or any later version. The bundle has the status of author maintained. The various files should be moved to the TDS folders as such: in source/latex/imakeidx/ file: imakeidx.dtx in doc/latex/imakeidx/ files: README, manifest.txt.imakidx.pdf in /tex/latex/imakeidx/ file: imakeidx.sty The main purpose of this bundle is to exploit the possibility of running an index formatting program from within a document typesetting task (tested with the engines pdftex, xetex, and luatex in their incarnation set up to process the LaTeX markup) at the \printindex level, so that one or more indices can be typeset in such a way that they are always synchronous with the document they belong to. With the TeXlive 2010 release the makeindex program can be safely run within a TeX run; with previous distributions the shell escape feature had to be explicitly enabled. With the 2010 and later distributions the makeindex program is directly accessible. If the xindy program is used to sort index entries and format the index files, it is still necessary to use the full shell escape option. This bundle is compatible with most existing classes; some conflicts with other packages have been reported and have been resolved, or at least advice is given so as to overcome such conflicts. This 1.3a version has hooks that can be used by class and package writers in order to index some entries with reference with location counters other than the page one, for example line numbers, verse numbers, etc. This extension was contributed by Maieul Roquette, the author and maintainer of package eledmac.Roquette. We very gratefully acknowledge his contribution. Enrico Gregorio enrico dot gregorio at