These are the book and the practice files for a LaTeX course that I gave several times at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. This course is a getting-started style introduction, with pointers to further resources, and with advice for getting a TeX system up and running. BUILDING THE BOOK The master file, latexcourse_rug.tex, is optimized for screen viewing, with narrow margins and pdf bookmarks and hyperlinks. The pdf should print just fine. But if you do not want (colored) hyperlinks or your setup has trouble with non-standard paper sizes, then you can add a document option a4 or letter, e.g.: \documentclass[a4]{coursebook} for full margins and without (colored) hyperlinks. The samples are already included as pdfs, with cropped margins. Therefore, you only have to compile latexcourse_rug itself, with pdflatex and with a biber run for bibliographic references. RECOMPILING AND CROPPING SAMPLE FILES All sample sources are also included as cropped pdfs. - Most samples can be compiled with one or two runs of pdflatex. - The font_* samples which use the fontspec package need xelatex or luatex and some system fonts. - The bib[la]tex samples in the bibsamples directory naturally require a bibtex- or biber run. - For cropping, I used epspdf with a -b option for cropping and sometimes a -p option for page selection. pdfcrop should do as well (not tested). - Beamer_* and nobeamer do not need cropping. There is no Makefile. LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014 Siep Kroonenberg Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. The sample- and practice files are released into the public domain. Groningen, July 13 2014 Siep Kroonenberg, n_dot_s_dot_kroonenberg_at_rug_dot_nl