======================== physymb ============================ Created by David Zaslavsky The physymb package contains a bunch of assorted macros that may be useful to physicists (and perhaps occasionally mathematicians). The package contains four files: * README: This file :) * physymb.pdf: The PDF documentation, which details all the macros defined by the package. * physymb.dtx: The documented source. Running pdflatex on this reproduces the PDF documentation. * physymb.ins: The installer file. Running latex or pdflatex on this will generate the actual package file, physymb.sty. To install the package, it should be enough to just copy physymb.sty to the tex/latex/physymb/ directory (which you may need to create) within your local TDS tree, which is typically $HOME/texmf/ on a Linux system. The location varies on Windows. It's also recommended to copy physymb.pdf into doc/latex/physymb/ under the TDS tree. If you don't know what a TDS tree is, or want to have this explained in more detail, see http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=instpackages physymb is licensed under the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3 or later.