February 3, 2014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- the RUBIK bundle 2014/02/03 - rubikcube package v2.0 -> macros and commands for typesetting - rubikrotation package v2.0 -> macros and Perl program for rotations -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The RUBIK bundle provides two complementary packages for documenting the Rubik cube (3x3x3) notation, configurations and rotation sequences. The two packages are (a) rubikcube package, and (b) rubikrotation package. (a) Rubikcube package The rubikcube package provides a collection of LaTeX commands and macros for typesetting Rubik cube configurations and rotation instructions using the PGF/TikZ graphic languages. This is a stand-alone LaTeX package. However, it's scope is greatly enhanced by the rubikrotation package. (b) Rubikrotation package The rubikrotation package, is a dynamic extension to the rubikcube package. It consists of the Perl program rubikrotation.pl and style option rubikrotation.sty. The rubikrotation package implements rotation sequences and random scrambling of the Rubik cube on-the-fly using a \RubikRotation command. It returns the new state in a form which is then used for typesetting by the rubikcube package. Since the \RubikRotation command works by CALLing the Perl program rubikrotation.pl, it follows that the rubikrotation package requires (a)~Perl to be installed, and (b) LaTeX needs to be run using the --shell-escape commandline option. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RWD Nickalls email: dick@nickalls.org A Syropoulos email: asyropoulos@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2014 RWD Nickalls & A Syropoulos This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The RUBIK bundle consists of the following files package files: - rubikcube.ins - rubikcube.dtx - rubikrotation.ins, - rubikrotation.dtx, - rubikrotation.pl (Perl program) image files: - pdf -files for the documentation (6 pictures) documentation, examples and README: - rubikcube.pdf - rubikrotation.pdf, - example-cube.pdf, example-cube.tex - example-rot1.pdf, example-rot1.tex - example-rot2.pdf, example-rot2.pdf - README (this file) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please feel free to contact us. --------------------------------------------------------------------------