----------------------------------------------------------------------- yathesis --- Yet Another Thesis Class, version 0.99k E-mail: denis.bitouze@lmpa.univ-littoral.fr Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The yathesis bundle provides a LaTeX class file to help to write a thesis following French rules. Installation ------------ The class is supplied in dtx format. If you want to unpack the dtx yourself, running 'xetex yathesis.dtx' will extract the class whereas 'xelatex yathesis.dtx will extract it and also typeset the documentation. ****************************** * * * Both require XeTeX engine! * * * ****************************** Typesetting the documentation also requires: 1. a number of packages in addition to those needed to use the yathesis class. To compile the documentation without error, you will need the packages: - xpatch - morewrites - exsheets - parskip - amsthm - thmtools - fixfoot - enumitem - afterpage - tabulary - calc - libertine - geometry - siunitx - tocbibind - biblatex - listings - varioref - marginnote - xspace - booktabs - zref - footmisc - rotating - pdflscape - hologo - xifthen - iflang - tocvsec2 - csquotes - tcolorbox - path - fontawesome - textcase - multicol - babel - datetime - floatrow - subcaption - hyperref - nameref - hypcap - bookmark - glossaries - cleveref 2. a complete pdflatex run of these.tex to be found in the 'sample' subdirectory of the current directory, with 'yathesis-demo' package load at first place. If latexmk is available, it is easier to run: latexmk -f -pdf -jobname=these -pdflatex="pdflatex %O '\RequirePackage{yathesis-demo}\input{%S}'" these.tex 3. to run xelatex on yathesis.dtx. If latexmk is available, it is easier to run: latexmk yathesis.dtx