%jose samuel perez huerta %mayo 2007 %paladium lattice in hydrogen input featpost3Dplus2D; % Under the adsorption process, % the hydrogen molecules are retained in the surface of the % metal forming a gaseous layer. Nevertheless, the hydrogen molecule is % too great to get up in the structure of a solid. When the amount of % hydrogen is increased, the palladium dissociates molecules of the gas % so that now in its atomic form, they are diffused between the % interstitial sites of lattice formation of palladium hydrides In this % process, the lattice undergoes to isotropic expansion, lattice % constant is increased until a 3\% in each space direction, increasing % the total volume until in a 10\% beginfig(1); numeric sph, sphc, ind, indos, suma, intres, i, j, coos, size, num; color xdelta, ydelta, zdelta, W[], fro, pro; path p[], pp[], ppp, pppp; f := 1.5*(10,5,3); % ParallelProj := true; Spread := 50; sph := 0.15; sphc := 0.07; size = 6; num=200;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xdelta := (sph,0,0); ydelta := (0,sph,0); zdelta := (0,0,sph); suma:=0; for ind=1 upto 3: for indos=1 upto 10: for intres=1 upto 10: suma:=suma+1; V[suma] :=0.5*(indos,intres,ind); W[suma] :=0.5*((indos-1,intres-1,ind-1)+0.5*(1,1,1)); endfor; endfor; endfor; for ind=1 upto suma: p[ind] := rigorousfearpath( V[ind], sph ); pp[ind] := rigorousfearpath( W[ind], sphc ); endfor; for ind=1 upto suma: fill pp[ind] withcolor red; draw pp[ind] withcolor black; fill p[ind] withcolor .75white; draw p[ind] withcolor blue; endfor; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i=1 upto num: for j=1 upto 2: coos[j] := 1.7*uniformdeviate(size*.5); endfor; fro := (coos1,coos2, 4*(.5)+(.3)*normaldeviate); pro := fro+(0,sph,0); ppp := rigorousfearpath( fro, sphc); pppp := rigorousfearpath( pro, sphc); fill ppp withcolor red; draw ppp withcolor (.5,.4,0); fill pppp withcolor red; draw pppp withcolor black; endfor; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% endfig; end;