% List of Tables for job Manual - created: 2004/6/5 23:{0}2 % ==================================== % > Table 7.1: \FIGLitem{Table} {7.1. } Charged leptons.\@endFIGLitem {51} % > Table 7.2: \FIGLitem{Table} {7.2. } Example of a ruled table --- AT\&T Common Stock.\@endFIGLitem {54} % > Table 7.3: \FIGLitem{Table} {7.3. } Example of a ruled table --- Parameters used in the MS-X$\alpha $ calculations for the chlorosilane molecules, H$_{\rm x}$SiCl$_{\rm 4-x}$; x=0--4.\@endFIGLitem {55} % > Table 7.4: \FIGLitem{Table} {7.4. } Basic macros for {\tt \bs ruledtable}\@endFIGLitem {58} % > Table 7.4: \FIGLitem{Table} {7.4. } Additional macros for {\tt \bs ruledtable}\@endFIGLitem {59}